Jude Stoned

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Jesus ( heyzuez ) POV

I was at school walking around after  class when I hear laughing from a empty classroom , I walk in and I see Jude and Noah smoking something I think it's weed there acting really stoned.

I know I'm not the best role modal as a teenager but even I didn't even smoke weed I personally think that Jude gonna be way worse the next few years , yayy for us.

I walk over to them when Jude notices me and giggles and waves at me.

" heyyyy heyzuez" he states with a laugh at the back of his throat.

"Hey Jude we have to get home so can you meet up with Noah later or something" I ask him I know I'm we don't have to go home but I don't want him to get caught by mama while being stoned.

I got in the car with Noah and Jude and I went past Noah house and dropped him off not before Jude kissed him tho , Jude sat back down and was just randomly laughing at trees and stuff. Like what the hell why a tree why not me. 

When we got back home I see Brandon, Callie and maraiana were on the coach and moms are no where in sight.

We walk in to the living room with my arm around Jude to steady him up,

"Hey what's wrong with Judicorn" maraiana asks me , thats when everyone else notices him.

"He's stoned" I state there faces go to shocked to annoyed which makes me guess I'm the only one who haven't seen Jude stoned.

"Again" Brandon asks

"When has it happend before" I ask him

"A lot he's stoned most of the time just he's really good at hiding it" Callie tells me.

Jude suddenly starts to look up startled and puts his head up to  listen  to nonexistent things.

He puts his hands of his lips in a shh motion and turns around we he's face comepelty serious and states,

"Shh the marshmallows are talking" he can't keep serious and ends up laughing afterwords on my shoulder.

"Hey Jude , Jude go take a shower so mons can't tell your stoned and then go to  your room and we will tell them you sleeping is that a good plan for you" maraiana tells him serisoly.

"Wait I have to see if the marshmallows are okay with it first" he turns around for about half a minute and turns back to us and he tells them that ,

"They said you may of won this mashmallow battle but you they will wins the mashnallow war" he stated in a British accent and walks up stairs.

The 4 of us look at eachother and just laugh and make a silent agreement not to tell moms. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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