Kat explained fruitlessly to Will's aunt about Carl and Damon while Will watched her with a deep admiration. The way Will was looking at her in her white nightgown, left her thoughtless from time to time and she had to stop and pick up again on her story. No one seemed to notice. Aliyah's blue eyes that resembled everything that Will had except the love and lust took her in with a smile. When she was finished she sighed a big relief. Aliyah's eyes were round "That's why I wanted to leave London. I always knew Damon was up to something at the Tudor Mansion but I decided in selflessness to not warn anyone. I thought Damon going on killing sprees, when not necessary, was normal. A simple drive to get better at Shadowhunter skills..." Will nodded "You were young, you didn't know." His calm sincere voice made Kat's hands tremble with emotion. Sometimes Will's kind personality was too much for her to handle. The love they held for each other was like burning embers. Yearning to come closer because when they parted their embers cooled and a loving embrace would keep them electrified enough to burn. As if Will could sense and feel her thoughts, he looked over at her. His eyes grazed down her bare thigs, she felt a blush on her cheeks. Aliyah saw this, chuckling "You two make one good couple!" Katherine was done denying that they weren't a couple, she responded with a polite smile. Will chuckled, sounding like Aliyah's but more soft and musical. "So your friend Carl is still in love with you?" Kat nodded. "Oh dear one you better watch out, I sense his evil forthcoming." Kat swallowed "No Carl is better now!" she blurted."Doesn't that seem sketchy??" Aliyah took a sip of her tea, her forehead wrinkling in thought. "Aliyah please" Will stood, his voice like a snake's hiss. She shrugged a careless response. "We need to get weapons in the morning any idea where the closest shop is?" Will asked quickly, his tone held deep amounts of aggravation and worry. I gave him a comforting look. "No need, I've got plenty of weapons" she stood, and they followed her into a room decorated with shinning weapons. Kat, with urgency, grabbed everything she needed. "Perfect" Will smiled at his aunt. "I have a sister Dilyah who's off with Damon" Aliyah confessed. Kat dropped many weapons to the ground in shock and blushed. "OhGodImSoSorryMiss" I stammered quickly. She laughed "Oh stop, don't worry." "Your SISTER? You have a SISTER?" Will shouted. "Yes very young one" Aliyah smiled to herself. Kat realized that there was something off about Aliyah "You don't care that she's off with him?!" She looked over at Kat "Your temper is much like your fiery hair" she cut in like ice. Will caught her sad look. "I--I'm sorry Miss but I've been stressed!" Kat cried. Will came to her, taking a hand and with his thumb began tracing circles. "I get that but don't let whatever feelings you have for him get in the way of things" Aliyah exited the room. That was it for Kat. She ran out of the house, it was so cold outside she was sure her tears would freeze. 

   Her steps were slowing down, Will's voice becoming farther and farther away. A silhouette came walking towards her from the street. She gasped "Will!" Kat immediately put a hand over her mouth. That gait. It was limping as if one of its legs was missing. She took out her seraph blade and that little light was enough for her to make out a demon. She charged at it "ARGHH!!" The demon ducked and swayed around her like he was dancing with her, his opponent. He was whispering under its ghostly breaths, things she couldn't make out.  Kat struck it with a powerful swing and it howled, it's skin peeling where the seraph blade met its skin. She smelled rotting flesh, pushing away the will to throw up. Confusingly, the demon was not attempting to attack her whatsoever. Its whispers became more audible. "Carl wants girl" it repeated those words until she couldn't take it anymore. She screamed so loud and it shriveled back out of fear. 



She took a step to face Will but something hard hit her in the head. Kat fell to the ground at a jarring impact, her skull felt like it was about ready to combust in absolute pain. 

Everlasting Shadows {A Mctudor AU fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now