Dare to Come

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        "We got lost, that's great", said Dana. " Look, I'm sorry okay, we were both acting immature anyways", replied Lilian. While they were arguing about which one of them got both of them in trouble, a creature was coming towards them, and both of them started to walk slowly, and then they started to run away.While they were running, the mysterious creature  was still following them. Hours passed, both of them started to get tired from running. Lilian said," Instead of running we should try to hide from it." Dana replied," Good idea,but I think that creature would still follow us." Dana and Lilian tried to find somewhere where they can both hide from the creature. When the sun was rising, they started to come out , and they didn't see the creature following them or standing in front of them. While they were walking around, they saw a small looking cottage, and they both obsereved it. After they observed it, they went in and saw food. They both cooked the food, and started eating them. After they ate, they both said, " Let's stay here for a while."

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