The way you Kill

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Sorry for anyone who had already read the story and it was deleted. I was having problems with it had to start over.

Harry pov

When I woke up in the morning I had a terrible headache. Since I am death I must known of all the deaths that occur everyday. So when I sleep visions of people dying usually flood them.

Along with that I also have the ability to sense when someone is close to death or when they will die. I can't really explain it only that I know it's true. It's almost like they have a glow about them. It is then my job to send reapers to the souls and help lead them to the afterlife.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to my dresser where my clothes were. I grabbed some black pants and a black hoodie. I then made my way downstairs to my motorcycle. I started the engine and started towards school.

They day was much the same as it was yesterday at lunch the vampires came to my table and sat down which annoyed me to now end. "So how was your first day" the girl bella asked me. I ignored he and continued to eat my sandwich. "Hey, she asked you a question" the boy Edward said in a slightly angry tone.

"If I don't want to answer, I don't have to" I said not looking at them. "We're just trying to have a conversation with you, why do you have to be so rude?" The blond Rosalie snarled. "I didn't ask her to ask me a question" was all I said. "From now on leave me alone" I said as I got up and dumped my half eaten sandwich in the trash. "Hey don't walk away from us" I heard, but ignored.

Later at the end of the day I noticed a red haired girl walking by the lockers. As she passed I moved my hand slightly so it touched her. I could see her shiver slightly then walk out the doors to the parking lot. I closed my locker and followed out the same doors, but what she didn't know was the figure standing next to her.

The next thing I know is a screeching of tires and a loud bang. I can see a blood spatter from around the car where the girl was hit. People were screaming and running over to the car, but I ignored it and made my way towards my ride and went home. Not looking back.

Bella pov

The boy totally ignored me and I couldn't help but feel angry. "It's ok bella" Edward told me as I leaned into him for comfort. It wasn't until later that day though that I witnessed something strange. The boy was standing at what I assume was his locker and was staring down the hall.

Cary, she was a sophomore, walked by him and I noticed his hand reach out slightly to touch her. I could see her shiver slightly as she continued down the hall and out the door. The boy turned back to his locker and closed it. He started towards the doors and I couldn't help but follow him out.

As I made my way out the door I saw the boy standing watching Cary from a distance. The next thing I see is a car zooming towards her. I tried to scream but nothing would come out. I could hear metal crunching or maybe it was carry's bones breaking I didn't know. I ran over towards the wreckage along with other people. I could hear people yelling and screaming.

I turned around to face the new boy, but he wasn't here. I turned to the side and saw him walking over to his motorcycle. Why was he just walking away, like nothing had even happened. I wanted to go after him, but Cary was more important. I ran over to the wreckage with most of the other students and made my way to where Cary was.

I almost wanted to throw up.There was blood everywhere carry or what was left of her was laying on the ground her neck looked like it was broken, as well as every other bone in here body. "Bella" I heard someone yell.

I quickly turned my neck and faced where the voice was coming from. Alice and Rosalie were standing next to Emmett's jeep. I ran over to them "where are the boys?" I asked. "Jasper was having trouble with his blood lust. The others had to take him hunting"

I nodded my head in understanding. "We have to go" Alice said going over to the passenger side of the jeep. I ran over and climbed in the back seat. Rosile started the jeep and we were soon on our way to the Cullen's house.

Later that night when the others arrived back and Mr. Cullen returned from work I decided it was the best time to bring up what happened. "I heard what happened with Cary today" Carlisle said in a somber tone. "School will be canceled tomorrow and a memorial service in a week." Esme said.

"About that" I said everyone looked towards me. I gulped. "The new kid, I saw him in the hallway today after school and I didn't think anything of it at first, but he was standing in front of his locker and he kept looking down the hall. Then Cary walked past him and and he brought his hand up and touched her.

The next thing I know Cary's dead outside." I said tears streaming down my face. I felt arms wrap around me and automatically knew it was Edward. I looked up and everyone's face seemed sullen. "That doesn't mean he did anything" Jasper said "why are you defending him" I wanted to yell. This new kid was bad knews.

"Bella, no one is defending him, but we can't jump to conclusions" Esme said gently. I nodded my head, but that didn't mean I agreed.

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