As soon as I got home, I rushed up to my room to find Michael laying upsaid down on my bed. "How in the hell to you beat me up here?" I said as I went threw my closet. "Im a vampire remember?" He said laughing. "But you said your specialty is strength, not speed." I said looking at him funny. "But every vampire can do that, just some are better then others." He told me. "Ah." I said as I went outta my room and across the hall to the bathroom to change into my pjs. "Nice." Michael said as I walked back into the room. I was wearing my Jack Skellington pj pants and a black tanktop. "Your jelsouse cause your face ant on my ass." I said laughing as I laid down on my bed and kicked Michael off. "What was that for?" Michael said looking at me funny. "My bed." I said as I coverd up and hugged my pillow. "But you gotta share." He said as he crawled back onto the bed. "Why must I share?" I said as he laid beside me. "Because you love me." He said smiling as he kissed my nose. "Now who said that?" I said laughing. "You better love me." Michael said smiling really big. "Why must I love you?" I asked him. "Cause if you didnt, I would have to kill you." He said laughing. "But what if I did love you?" I said laughing. "Then id lay here and hold you all night." He said. "Ahh, you are sweet." I said as I kissed him. "I told you I can be sweet. Im just a badass on the outside." Michael said laughing.

"Morning." Dj said to Cynthia as she woke up. "Whoa, where did you come from?" Cynthia said shocked. "Your window." Dj said smiling really big. "Why are you here?" Cynthia said laughing. "I wanted to wake you." Dj said as Cynthia looked threw her closet. "Well then." Cynthia said as she started showing Dj her clothes. "Wear that!" Dj said as Cynthia showed him her pink skull tank top. "Okay now what bottems?" Cynthia asked him. "How about these." Dj said as he picked out her white skinnys. "That works." She said as she went to change.

For once that felt like forever, I was ontime to school. I walked into the lunch room with Michael by my side. We sat at a table in the lunch room and talked untill the first bell rung. "What are you listening to?" James asked me. " 'Till I Collapse' by Eminem, why?" I said to him. "You like Eminem? Really?" Dj said shocked. "Is that a bad thing?" I said looking at them funny. "No! I love Eminem. Take out your head phones and lets all listen." Dj said as I did what he said. "Badass song." Aaron said as he walked up to us. "True. Im hungary." Brandy said looking around. "Oh god really?" Ben said looking at her. "Not tht hungary. Actual food." Brandy said as she went to get breakfest with Ben following her. "I'll join you!" I said as I handed Michael my ipod and ran up to her. "Hey." She said smiling. "Draw any good pictures latley?" I asked her. "Actualy, I have." Brandy said as she got out her sketch pad. "Sweet! Lets see." I said as I waited for her to show me. "I drew this one for you." She said as she showed me a drawing of me and Michael. "I love it!" I said as I looked at it. "And this for Cynthia." She said showing me a picture of Cynthia and Dj. "Nice. I like." I said smiling. "And this." Brandy said as she flip to the next page. "Oh my god." I said as I coverd my eyes. "Brandy!" Ben yelled as his face turned red. "What? Its beauty." Brandy said as she ptu her sketch pad away. "Yea, but I dont wanna see Ben naked." I said laughing. "Sorry." Brandy said laughing as well.

After Brandy and I got somthing to eat we walked back to the lunch table. And what do I find? Some chick talking to Michael. I sat my food down and next to Michael. I took his hand and started palying with his fingures while that girl was talking to him. "Heyy." Michael said as he noticed I came back. "Hey babe." I said smiling at him. The girl got a slight frown on her face. "Wheres your food?" Michael asked me. I didnt say anything, looked at the girl then down at my feet. "He asked you a question?" The girl said smart as she sat on the other side of Michael. "And thats our buessnes and you to stay out of it." I said smart back. Michael just looked at me and smiled. "Whatever." The girl said as she played with Michaels hair. "Oh shit." James said as he got up and backed away from the table. The bell rang and nobody was in the lunch room but us, and that girl. "Excuse me?" I said as I got up and stood infront of Michael. "Bitch done messed up." Dj said as he got up from the table and Cynthia got up with him. "What do you want?" The girl said looking at me hateful. "You dont fuck with my mans hair." I said glaring at her. "And what makes you think hes yours? He goes threw girls within weeks." The girl said as she got up in my face. "If you havent noticed I been here the last 3 months and been with him since." I said as I felt my blood boil. "Michael, are you going to stop her?" Brandy asked Michael. "Ha, no. This should be funny." Michael said as he crossed one of his legs in his lap. "Cause your a whore." The girl said with a smirk. I felt rage go threw my body. The girl got a frightend look on her face. "Michael!" Sam yelled at him. I felt someone grabbed me from behind. I looked up and it was Michael. I looked back at the girl and she was gone. "What the fuck?" I said looking at Michael. "You was about to kill her." Sam said as Michael let go of me. "I was not, just going to taste her. A little." I said laughing. "Your eyes turned red. I belivie you." Michael said laughing as he grabed his backpack. "Thats funny." Courtney said laughing as we all started to our class.

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