"Hi," I said and they all looked at me confused and slightly scared.

"Hi Edward," Harry said, trying to make his voice sound causal but failing.

"Hi Harry," I said back, sheepishly looking to the floor. "Look, guys..." I said after a few awkward moments. They all starred at me again. "I'm ssyaisjnalaiqlsns...." I whispered.

"Aaaaand that's not a word," Harry chuckled. I could tell that the others aren’t fond of me (but I can't blame them) and I can tell that Harry is trying really hard to try and have a positive relationship with me. I do want a positive relationship with him and the others but it's going to be hard now (especially with Niall, remember our incident at the ice cream shop? And the fact I thought he was the one that stole my phone).

They all looked at me intently. I swallowed the ball of fear that had developed in my throat before I spoke.

"Look, I'm really really.............." I lingered. "Sorry," I spat out, hope they don't make me say it again. They looked at me amazed.

"I'm s-sorry for trashing the room, yelling at you, making really inappropriate comments especially about the fans, swearing at you, scaring you, all in the time space of about ten minutes," I said and they smiled at me.

"It's alright. We sensed from the beginning that you weren't the most reasonable but that's just how you are I guess. You can't change that. It's alright," Louis said to me, coming up and hesitantly wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"Don't mention it," Zayn said as he came over and ruffled my hair. I jokingly growled at him. "Sorry, should have known. 'Don't touch the hair,' am I right? I'm the same" he said, putting his hands up in surrender.

"So....we're cool?" I asked the boys. Niall nodded.

"We're cool," he said.

"Okay....." I said awkwardly, just realising they were all practically naked except Liam who was half old lady half teenage rockstar. Those two don't go together very well. "I'm gonna go," I said turning for the door.

"Wait!" Harry called. I turned to look at him. "Can you please wear Marcel's clothes for tonight," he asked and I stared at him confused. "Dress like Marcel tonight. Borrow his glasses, I'm sure he'd have shares, gel your hair, wear his button up and vest but you can wear your own pants," he said and I was still slightly confused. "You look too much like me. Dress like Marcel so you two look identical," he said and I nodded, this time understanding.

"Okay," I said politely. I said goodbye to the boys and left.

"Have a good chat," Lou said suspiciously to me when I was out of the room the boys were in.

"Umm...yeah, thanks for letting me in," I said awkwardly, nodding goodbye and opening the big doors. I stepped into the hallway and let out a huge breath of relief. I am so glad they actually forgave me and so quickly too.

Harry, Edward and MarcelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat