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Later that day the girls went to Twilight's castle. They were having lots of fun until Discord came in with Screwball. "Hello honey, Screwy missed her mommy so I brought her." Discord said as he held up Screwball. "Oh thanks honey." Fluttershy answered. "Oh and Rainbow Dash Fluttershy told me that you were expecting congratulations." Discord said. Thanks Discord. Hey can you tell what my baby is going to be." Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, lets find out." Discord used his x-ray vision to see what Rainbows baby was going to be. " yes, yes oh dear." Discord said. "What is it?" Rainbow said worriedly. "I think you have to see for yourself." He then made a photograph appear in his claw and handed it to Rainbow. As Rainbow looked at it she became pale as a ghost. "T-twins."

        "Yes, fraternal twins at that." Discord said. "I-I can't." Rainbow Dash whispered. "Here Rainbow, sit, you don't look to well." Twilight said as she floating a chair over. Rainbow Dash climbed onto the chair, but was still to shocked to speak. "Oh come on Dashie, it's not so bad." Fluttershy said. "Easy for you to say you don't have to raise them." Dash responded. "And look at what I have to deal with. My daughter is half pony half draqonequus. She has chaos magic and sometimes she won't even let me sleep. Even though she gives me several headaches I still love her more than anything. I'm sure it won't be any different with you." Fluttershy exclaimed. "Huh, your right. I guess I'm just super paranoid about being a mother." "I know, it happened to all of us. Well almost all of us." Twilight added. Rainbow Dash stared at all of her friends still a little nervous about telling Soarin.

When Rainbow went home Soarin was already their. She barely made it home. She looked awful and felt awful, the poor thing looked like she was about to faint. She walked in and collapsed onto the ground. Soarin quickly flew over and carried her to the couch. "Babe are you ok, what's wrong?" Soarin asked while examining her. "I'm fine Soar, really." Rainbow reassured but it didn't work. "What do you mean your ok. You came in and collapsed on the ground. Their is no way your ok!!!" Soarin exclaimed. "It's just the baby....s." She stopped their to see if Soarin would get the idea. He didn't. "What's wrong with the baby!!!" Soarin said even more paranoid then before. "Think about Soar, babies." Rainbow said slowly hoping he would get it this time. Soarin thought about it and finally he came to a conclusion. "Wait, are you saying there are more than one." Soarin said hoping his wife would say no. Rainbow nodded slowly. "Fraternal twins to be exact." Soarin stared hyperventilating. "So you're saying that instead of having one baby to take care of we have two!!!!" Soarin asked. Rainbow bit her lip. "Yes." She answered for now Soarin was the one that looked awful. "I-I" Before Soarin could start his actual statement he fainted.

An hour later he woke up and was laying on the couch. He got up and looked around and then Rainbow Dash came and sat next to him with a hot cocoa in he hoof. "What happened." Soarin said as he rubbed his head. "You fainted." Rainbow responded. "Why?" Soarin asked. "Because I told you I was having twins." Rainbow said as she forced a smile. "T-twins." Soarin said as he curled up into a little ball. "You're not gonna faint again are ya?" Dash asked as she took a sip of her hot cocoa. "No." "Woo hoo." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically. "Are you ok." Soarin asked as he grabbed her wife's hoof. "Seriously. You're seriously asking me if I'm ok!!! I'm not the one who just passed out for no good reason." Rainbow Dash yelled. "Oh you're one to talk, you barely walked in and collapsed on the ground!!!" Soarin yelled back. "At least I have a good reason. I'm pregnant!!! And you, well you just aren't man enough to stay calm!!!" She shouted back. But that made it go dead silent. "Sorry." Rainbow said. "Yeah, me too. I think it's time for you to go to bed." Soarin said as he got up from the coach. "Oh no, I'll go to bed when I feel like it thank you very much." Rainbow Dash got up and simply walked away. Soarin rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen.

1 month later Rainbow Dash's pregnancy symptoms were getting out of hand. One moment she had major cravings then she was over a toilet seat puking her guts out. Her mood swings weren't that bad, she wasn't happy, sad, or mad, most of the time she was just super sassy. It wasn't showing much either. The thing that drove Soarin crazy was the fact that he had to cook 8 times a day. He wasn't being that overprotective of her either, he just didn't let her fly much. Fortunately she wasn't being demanding or whiny she was super chill. He thought that since she was having twins she would be that and more but the only bad thing was her appetite. Flash told him that when Twilight was pregnant with Nova she had all of those symptoms, but worse. Most of the time Rainbow just spends time with her friends since he still has to work. The thing that scares him though is what's on his wife's menu when he gets home, because she will get mad if she doesn't get everything she wants. They are both still kinda getting used to the idea of being parents though.

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