"I tried to kill you..." She says. I don't think she is paying attention to what I'm saying.

"Alexa!" I yell trying to get her attention on me.

"I'm so sorry!" She screams bursting into heavy, thick tears.

I rush to her side grabbing her and pulling her into my chest. She doesn't try to push me off or stop me she just whimpers there for two hours she finally stop.

She's asleep again. It's about 9 o'clock though so I need to get up and go get her prescription from Walgreens.

I slowly lay her down on the bed and pull her wheelchair up to the bed in case she wakes up but it's unlikely.


"Pick up for Alexa Kaufman." I say to the pharmacist.

"It'll be about 30 minutes." He smiles at me.

I should have called in for this shit. I slowly walk away looking at all the Christmas decorations.

Alexa's POV:

"Gable!" I yell. "GABLE!" I scream.

I quickly grab my wheelchair and pull it closer to the bed. I take it slow but finally make it into my wheelchair.

I wheel myself around the house but Gable is no where in sight.

I give up and wheel myself into the kitchen. Gable has left his candy bar in the fridge.

"Yum a Twix." I say grabbing it. I put it in my lap and look for where he put the cokes.

I look in the cabinets, the pantry, and even the drawers but I can't find anything.

"Dammit Gable." I whisper to myself.

I end up sitting in front of the TV watching Soap Operas. My wheelchair becomes unbearable and I have to stretch my back. I grab my leg out of the wheelchair and set it on the floor. I pull myself out of it and onto the recliner.

It's a burgundy and really soft. Fuck. I forgot the remote and my Twix on the coffee table. I slowly try slipping onto my wheelchair but end up just slipping onto the floor.

Gables POV:

I finally get the medications but it was to late. I had already bought so many Christmas things.

"All this for the lady?" He asks me handing the bag to me.

"Yeah." I smile.

I roll all of it to the car and start loading it in.


"Alexa I'm home." I chuckle carrying 20 things of ornaments.

"About time." I look over to the living room to find Alexa lying on the floor. I immediately drop everything in my hands and run over to her.

"Are you okay? Did you break anything? Are You Okay?!" I say almost at a yell.

"I'm fine. Probably just have a bruised Buttocks but I'm perfectly fine just couldn't get myself up." She laughs it off.

"You scared the living daylights out of me." I say picking her up and setting her in the recliner. "What were you thinking?!" I scoff at her.

"I was thinking I need the remote and that Twix bar." She points to the coffee table.

"That's my Twix bar!" I chuckle turning back to her. She looks down at her lap trying to hold back her laughs.

"What's all that?" She says turning to the doorway.

"Just some stuff I picked up... I needed to get your meds." I say chuckling and scratching the back of my neck.

"Well I'll make you a deal." She chuckles.

"What is that?" I ask.

"You set it up, and I'll decorate the bottom." She laughs.

"Deal." I smirk.


It takes me forever to figure out how to set the damn tree up. I get annoyed while Alexa sits back laughing at me.

"Do you wanna come help." I chuckle still trying to figure out the tree. Her chuckling stops.

I finally look up realizing what I said.

"Alex-." I see she's already in her wheelchair and wheeling over to me.

"I'll tell you how and you do exactly as I say." She smiles her bright smile at me. "Deal?"


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