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I walk in the forest behind my grandmothers house. Every way I look I see trees with leaves of all sorts: reds, bright yellows, to even gold. Golden rays of sunlight shine through the leaves leaving a warm look to the forest. I step quietly, creeping closer to the little creature digging a hole in the ground. Such fascinating little thing, it's fluffy tail wags as it gets closer to the acorns beneath the dirt. Squirrels are
my favorite animals. The way they move so swiftly across the ground always gets me wondering. I pull out my sketch book and examine the squirrel closely. It has cute little paws with little sharp claws. I begin sketching.

A couple hours later I finished the drawing. It turned out ok. It could have been better but the little thing wouldn't stop moving. After a while it ran off and I had to guess the rest.  Better get going anyways because grandma will be worrying. I walk threw the forest admiring all of the little plants I pass by. Just up ahead I can see the big house come into view. Grandmas house used to be a school back in her day. When they were gonna shut it down
she was devastated because that's pretty much where she grew up. So she offered them lots of money for the school. They ended up giving up to her.

I make my way around to the front of the house. I see my grandmother in the window. To be honest my grandmother is one of the prettiest people I have ever seen. In her younger days she had firey red hair and icy blue eyes. She still to this day has those beautiful icy eyes. She told me that my dad used to have red hair when he was younger but he eventually grew out of it. I got his brown hair and my mother's green eyes. Me and my grandma even though we don't look alike, we still have a lot more in common than anyone thinks.

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