May 2000

135 14 0

It wasn't me being prima donna, it wasn't me being a baby, it was the fact that i'm perfectionist. The crowd deserved the best Marilyn Manson show. Because of the technical problems, they weren't gonna recieve that, so what i gave them was something greater. I think if i was a person and i went to a concert, if i had the chance to have a riot than to see a concert. That's something they'll remember their whole lifes. I'm glad no-one got hurt, but i think riot's good.


When i saw was just the greatest show i've ever seen.
And i'm thankfull for that, mr. Manson.

Today i was again watching movie Rock star. Best movie about music ever!!!

Please write me in the comments, or vote.
Thank you so much💜💜💜

Marilyn Manson on his own words (Quotes)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ