Outsiders Boyfriend Scenarios

Start from the beginning

Your parents were fighting again, and this time, it was about you. Apparently, your dad wanted you to go to a private school in Oklahoma City, but your mom thought so otherwise.

Unable to  hear their screams, you snuck out through your window. All you wanted was an escape, but where would you go? No one would sell beer to a teenager, but one person probably would.

Buck Merril.

You hurried over to his place, careful to watch out for the Soc. He was having a party, as usual. You knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. You were expecting Buck, but instead, a handsome stranger with dark brown hair and no shirt appeared.

"Can I help you?" There was an attitude in his voice, which just got you annoyed instantly.

"I'm here to see Buck" you said. "Can I come in?" The guy leaned against the door frame.

"Aren't you a little young?"

"Aren't you?" He smirked.

"Come in." He opened the door and let you through.


You just got back from school and was going for gas, when you car suddenly stopped right in front of the gas station named the DX.

You sighed, asking over and over again why this would ever happen to you. There was a guy right next to a gas pump, messing with a windshield wiper. You got out of your car and jogged up to him. And that's when you noticed, he was movie star kind of handsome. Your words got caught in your throat, as you barely ever talk to guys. You took a deep breath and tried calming down as much as you could.

"Uh..." he suddenly turned to you, his eyes staring into yours, his beautiful hazel eyes. You looked away, feeling yourself getting nervous. "Could you please help me? My car ran out of gas and-" you stopped talking when he smiled at you.

"Sure, anything for a pretty girl" he said. You felt your cheeks getting hot. He started his way over to your car. "I'll push and you steer."

"Are you sure, I can help push-"

"Nah, I've got this, I just need you to steer" he said. You nodded and went over to the driver's side and reached into the open window and grabbed the steering wheel. You felt the car start moving, so you began steering the car.

The whole time, all you could think was, wow, he's so strong! When the car was next to the gas pump, you paid to get it filled up.

"Thank you for helping me" you said, trying not to look at him cause you knew you would just blush again.

"Anytime" he replied. You got in your car and turned it on. "When will I see you again?" That question caught you by surprise.



It was a regular night at the drive in. You went by yourself, since your friends ditched you to go to a party. It wasn't the first time this has happened. You sat in the front row, hoping not to be bothered. But, a group of loud guys sat behind you.

"Well why don't you look at that, pony help me! I think I've been blinded by this girls beauty!" You looked behind you to see a guy with grey eyes and light brown hair staring back at you with a playful smile on his face. "What's your name, darlin'?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" you replied, not really feeling up to talking to anyone right now.

"Say, haven't I met you before?"

"I don't think so" you replied, your arms crossed over your chest and your legs crossed as well.

"Your right, I think I would remember a goddess" he said. Okay, now that made you smile, and you couldn't hide it. "One of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen."

"What exactly are you trying to do?" You couldn't keep that smile off your face as you asked him that. He smiled, too.

"Well, right now I'm trying to talk to a pretty girl that's sitting in front of me" he replied. You chuckled.

"Well, this 'pretty girl' has to go" you said, standing up.

"I'll see you again real soon" he called after you, as you were walking away.

"You seem real sure about that."

"Of course I am." You couldn't help but blush at that.


You were walking down the street, trying to get away from two guys that would leave you alone. Andrew and Kevin. They've been trying to ask you out, but they never get the hint.

"Hey! Wait up!" Kevin called after you.

"Just leave me alone already!" You kept walking until you came upon the DX.

"C'mon, just hold up a sec!" You looked back, seeing how close they were to you. With nowhere else to hide, you jogged over to the DX and went inside. A little bell rang when you entered.

"How may I help you?" a voice said. You turned, coming face to face with a really cute guy with muscles and a tattoo of a bird on his arm.

"Um, I hope you don't mind, but I'm trying to get away from a pair of boys that won't leave me alone" you explained, looking back to see if they were coming.

"Ah, I know the feeling" he said. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"You do? You've tried hiding for boys before?"

"No, not like that! My buddy and I attract a lot of girls here, and we usually hide in the store when we want to get away from them" he said.

"Oh, must be tough" you replied. He nodded. You checked to see if Andrew and Kevin were gone. Once the coast was clear, you opened the door to leave. "Thanks" you said, smiling at the guy.

"Come back real soon" he replied, winking at you. You blushed a deep red, and left.


It was a long day at work, and you were tired as can be. Today was one of those days where you didn't care what happened or anything, as long as you got to your bed as fast as you could.

On your way home, you had to pass a construction sight, where a house was being roofed. You didn't think much of it, and just strode along. Until, you saw him.

A well built guy with no shirt. His hair was a light brown, he had a six pack, and his eyes were just magic to you. You didn't notice you were staring at him until he looked at you. Instantly you looked down, and that's when it happened.

"Hey you! Look out!" You turned, seeing a car coming onto the side walk and heading straight towards you. In reaction, you froze, fear rising up inside you.

And suddenly, your pulled out of the way and into a hard chest. The guy you were staring at, had his arms wrapped around you. He just saved you!

"Um... thank you" you managed to say, since you were still obviously in shock.

"You're welcome, are you alright?" You slowly nodded, and he released you. "You need to be more careful, I actually want to see you again." you looked up into his eyes and he smiled down at you.

"Alright. Thanks again" you replied, continuing your walk home.

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