Concert Night

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Chapter 1

Concert Night

"Wahhh! So handsome!" I said as I sprinted towards a booth full of posters, CD's, albums, pictures, and other souvenuoirs of my FAVORITE boyband Beast. The concert had just ended but my sister and I stayed until we were sure the concert was over. Then I saw a booth that had a huge picture of my ultimate bias Hyunseung.

"Ooooooh! Let's get it!" I pleaded to my sister who had the money at the moment.

"No! If we're going to get a poster it has to be of them ALL! I have a bias too!" she whined. I pouted as we made our way to a different booth.

This time we saw the most perfect picture of them all pasted on a huge poster! We quickly pulled out money to buy it and then left from the best concert we'd ever seen! Well, it was the only one we'd ever seen. But being our favorite group it was probaby the best too.

We walked out of the building and into the cold winter night as we headed to our car. Both of us weren't very familiar with this part of Seoul so we weren't sure where we parked.

"Maybe we can go through here. I think it's on the other side." said my sister, Taylor, as she pointed down an alley. It was pretty dark and there was no one in it, just a few doors from the building on the side. With no one in it I didn't really see a problem so I agreed.

"Okay let's go." I said and we both turned to go down the alley. It was really dark and pretty scary but I just wanted to get home quickly so I could tell all my friends about the concert.

"Kaydee, I think I've changed my mind. Let's go back the other way." Taylor said as we were walking through the darkness.

"What? Come on! You're the brave one that wanted to walk down here. It's faster let's keep moving." I said grabbing her arm to move fast.

"No! I'm going back and we'll see who gets there first!" she said and pulled away and ran back the other way.

So now she wanted to make this a competition? Fine!

I started running even though I knew I wasn't fast and I could barely see where I was going. I was running fast than ever, but all of a sudden I saw a door swing right in front of me. I yelped and next thing I knew I was on my butt sitting on the ground with probably a good sized knot on my head. It hurt and I wanted to see who opened the door.

I lifted my head to see the face of Junhyun staring down at me. Hyunseung, Dongwoon, Doojoon, and Gikwang followed after him and they were all standing there looking at me. But their faces didn't look concerned. They looked disgusted.

"What's this?! Why are you standing in front of our door like a stalker?" Doojoon asked.

"No! No, no. I was just-" I tried to reply.

"If you came to try to impress us you should've at least looked nice. Ugly girl." said Dongwoon as they all smiled.

"Ugly girls are annoying. They should just stay away from people like us." said Gikwang and they all laughed as they were leaving.

I sat there shocked at what just happened and I felt like I was about to cry. I still didn't understand what had just went on. I couldn't even move and then I felt a drip of blood from my head. That hit did way more then a knot because now I was sitting there bleeding. Tears began to fill my eyes.

"Here. You might want to clean that up." said a voice as I looked up to see someone handing me a napkin. I reached up to take it and saw that it was Yoseob standing above me.

"I'm really sorry about them. They're jerks." he said and bent down with the napkin and pressed it against my head. "It's not too bad. Should stop soon."

"Uhh. Thanks." I was so nervous that he was standing so close to me. His face was so cute as his puppy eyes looked at me wound with concern.

"There. Just make sure to put a band aid on it when you get home." he said and assured me with a smile that was just so dang cute! I would've melted right there if I wasn't in so much shock. Then he stood up and put his hand out. I looked at it and couldn't believe he was trying to help me up.

"Can you stand?" he asked.

"Oh! Yes." I said and took his hand quickly. I tried to get up fast but of course with my clumsiness I tripped over nothing and fell. Then I felt two arms around me that had caught just before it was too late. His arms made me feel like I was safe and it felt nice.

"Sorry!" I said when I realized what I did. I bowed with my apology and then looked up to see him laughing. I questioned it in my mind.

"What?" I asked.

"Your just one thing after another aren't you?" he said laughing. " How cute." I felt my face turn red.

Then a car honked from down the alley.

"Yoseob! Let's go!" I heard someone yell who was probably their manager.

"Well I have to go. Make sure you take care of yourself on your way home!" he said still laughing some. Then he waved and ran towards the beeping car.

I started to just walk back the other way but very slowly. I was still in shock. When I got out by the road I saw my car with my sister in it driving by the building. She spotted me and quickly drove over. I hopped into the passengers seat.

"Yah! Slow down and stop being wreckless!" I shouted.

"Where the hell were you?!" she yelled back and I explained everything that happened.

"Wow. That sounds good, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I want to meet them." she said a little nervous.

"Hmmm. Hopefully they were just in a bad mood after a loud concert. They're probably tired as heck afterwards!"

"Maybe." she answered. Then we entered the apartment we shared and went to bed.

I finally got to meet my idols face to face but it wasn't what I expected. Maybe Hyunseung is different, like Yoseob. Who knows. But they really made it one interesting first meeting. But it's okay since I most likely won't see them again. But if I do, I hope it's a whole lot better. I'll still say Beast hwaiting!!!


Author: Yesssss! I'm writing two fanfictions at the same time but this one is not going to be as long as the other. And my Exo one is still going to be my priority. But this is what I'm writing because my sister likes Yoseob from Beast so I'm kind of making it like the main character is her. I know that Beast is NOT actaully a bunch of jerks! I just made it that way for the story so please don't get mad. It's ALL make believe! Anyway this story will be fun too and I hope you like it! And make sure to read my Exo fan fiction. Enjoy :)

Take Me Away~ Beast FanFic (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora