Wonwoo looks equally surprised. "Uh, yes? Mina?"

(a/n i came up with the first thing that popped into my mind. she's not really twice's mina, or mina from anywhere else, you can imagine her as whoever you'd like, i guess?)

"It's been a while!" Mina smiles. "Wow, you've gotten so much taller!"

Wonwoo smile politely. "Yes, it has been a while." He feels Mingyu's grip on his hand tighten, and smiles at Mingyu, amused.

"Oh, here, let me bring you two to your table first." Mina quickly picks up two menus and starts to walk.

Wonwoo and Mingyu sit down, and Mina just stands, smiling at Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo, you've gotten so handsome!" She says, and giggles a bit. "I always thought you were good looking."

Mingyu clears his throat. "Um-"

"Oh!" Mina grabs her notepad. "Are you ready to order?"

"No, we haven't gotten a chance to look at the menu yet-"

"Ah, sorry." Mina apologizes. "I'm a bit out of it right now." She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Maybe it's the shock from seeing you again after so many years, Wonwoo, and seeing how handsome you are."

Wonwoo doesn't know what to say. "Um, I-"

"Can you please give us some peace and quiet so we can actually choose something to order?" Mingyu asks, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Oh, of course!" Mina says. "I'm sorry about that!" She dashes away, and Mingyu sighs.

"Wonwoo, who is she?" He asks warily.

"She's just a classmate of mine from middle school." Wonwoo replies. "I never really payed much attention to her, but she always seemed to like me or something."

Mingyu flips through the menu, not looking up. "I see."

Wonwoo bites his lip to stop himself from laughing. He reaches over and lightly taps Mingyu's hand.

"Mingyu, are you jealous?"

"Shut up."

"You really are." Wonwoo murmurs.

"I'm just a bit bothered." Mingyu sighs. "Okay, maybe I'm jealous."

"It feels good that I mean a lot to you."

Mingyu holds Wonwoo's hand and lifts it up, kissing it.

Wonwoo blushes and looks away, coughing.

"Let's pick something to order now."

Mingyu nods. "Yes, let's." He scans the page in search for something he might like.

"I'm going to get this mushroom and cheese crepe." Mingyu decides. "How about you, Wonwoo?"

"I think tomato and spinach for me." Wonwoo replies. "Sounds good."



They both laugh at each other.

"Well, that was random." Wonwoo says.

"Random is good. Sometimes." Mingyu answers.


Suddenly, Mina appears at their table again, holding her notepad.

"Are you ready to order?"

【just a dare】meanieUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum