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Michael's POV

The next night I went back to the alley. I really hoped I'd see that girl again. Her name is Desiree. I waited for a while cause I knew my boys never show up on a Sunday night. Then I saw that walk, that sassy sexy walk. I bit my lip and walked over to her,"Sup sexy." She giggled shyly and waved,"Hi." I grabbed her arm and whispered,"How bout we go to my apartment." She nodded and I drove to the apartment. I got my keys and went in. "And voilà! Tis my room!" She giggled at me being stupid. "Care for some wine?" "Sure, just a little bit tho cause I don't drink that much." I nodded and went to get a glass of wine. I had one for me and handed another one to her. "Thank you." She said before taking a sip. "Mhm." I said as I was taking a sip. She set it on the coffee table and it fell and broke on the floor.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, let me clean this up." She ran into my kitchen and started cleaning it all up right away. "It's fine you don't have to-" "But it's my fault." As I watched her clean it up, I realized she my be too nice for me. All the girls I've fucked have been bitchy ghetto girls. But she's very proper and gentle and kinda shy. As I zoned back in to reality I saw that the glass was gone and she was coming back from throwing it away. "I'm very sorry about that." "I already said it's okay." She half smiled and I sat down next to her.

"But you didn't have to clean it up, it's my house and my shit." I said through gritted teeth. She shook her head and said,"I know but it's rude that I-" "No the fuck it isn't, oh my god get it through your thick fucking skull." I saw tears in her eyes and I yelled,"Just get the fuck out!" I said as I pointed to the door.

She nodded quickly and ran out of my apartment, I don't need her. She's too nice and that's not my thing. I looked out the window and she was running home and out of the neighborhood.

The next night, I went down to the alley and found my boys glaring at me. "What's wrong?" "You!" I put my hands up and said,"What about me?" "We saw that girl running out of your apartment." "So?" Pharrell got up and got in my face then said,"I didn't know who she was because I never looked at her face good. But now that I have, she's my sister."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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