Sold Again

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I was in my room looking out the window, it was raining. I love the sound of the rain hitting the glass window, it calms me.

My master called for me, I got up and went to him. He glanced at me sitting at his desk, "Hyion, go pack your bags you're leaving tomorrow morning."

I looked at him, "Pardon?" I didn't believe what master was saying. Usually slaves get sold if they misbehave or do their job poorly.

I was not looked down upon my master or the other servants, they are like family to me. Master glared at me, "Go now!"

I never saw master angry at me before, I quickly went to my room. I was confused and afraid.

I packed my things tearing up, I didn't want to leave. I lived here since I was Seven, this is my family.

Wait, now that I think about it.

Flash back.
"Both the boy's parents died and we can't find any close relatives, if it wasn't for young lord Yumito he would've died along with them."
He said he'll come visit me, my savoir promised.

"Hyion you're going to a new home now, ok?"
New family? A new mommy and daddy?
"Dad? No. You'll call me Master."

My body hurts, where is Yumito? H-He promised! Please Yumito save me from this place, please!

Yumito never came, did he forgot?

I wiped away my tears, master only touched me when I was little. He stopped after puberty, and I thank him for that.

I finished packing and went to master, "I finished sir." He nods, tomorrow morning someone will come pick you up and take you to your new master."

I wanted to cry again.

The next morning I arrived at my new master's mansion, his servants welcomed me and send me to my new master's office.

I knocked and a male's voice said, "Come in." I walked in and the man standing in front a book shelf with long black hair, turn and face me. I looked at him he looked very familiar, "Hello, I'm your new servant."

He looked me up and down with his icy blue eyes, "Go unpack and take a bath." His voice, I remember that voice, if it wasn't for young Lord Yumito he would've died. My eyes widened, it's him no doubt about it, it's Yumito.

"Y-Yes, Master." I left his office instantly and went to my room, it's been so long. I still recognize his face, his blue eyes, his black hair, his soft lips. I blushed.

I was so distracted, I bumped into a servant. The servant dropped a tea set, tea, milk and sugar cubes where all over the floor, "I-Im so sorry."

The servant looked up at me with his forest green eyes, he smiled, "Its ok." I helped the servant clean up the shattered glass. He glanced at me, "So you're new here? What's your name?" I looked at him, "My name is Hyion." The servant smiled at me, "What a nice name mine is Yuki, Master gave it to me."

"So you've been here long?" I asked, he looked down his blond hair covering his eyes, "Yeah.. once you enter here the only way to leave is to be killed." My eyes widened, I was shocked.

After I finished packing I went to the servants washing room, it was a small room with beautiful tiles that had flowers on them. I got undressed, no one was there but me. I turned the tap and felt warm water falling on my back, it felt so nice.

I relaxed and a lot of thoughts filled my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about Yumito. My body suddenly tense up as I felt fingers touching my sides.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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