Start from the beginning

Jesus wants us to come to Him the way a little child comes to a loving parent. For example, my wife, Wendy, and I were always delighted when one of our six children would run up to us, arms outstretched for a hug—and then nestle in with their entire little bodies, completely at rest and filled with trust.

Can I ask you to do something out the ordinary? Just become a “little child” for a minute. Come to Jesus as you would to a father or mother who deeply loves you. No requests. No expectations. You don’t have to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Simply come to Him and linger in His presence, experiencing His love for you. Why not take a moment to do this right now?

Let this childlike action become a lifelong habit. From this place of trust you will experience the transforming power of the new life. Don’t fall into the busyness trap of “doing things for God.” More than our help, He wants us to confidently rest in His care. This enables Him to work through us. His work is inside out, not outside in............


                               IV- THE BIBLE: A WORD FOR ALL AGES

What is the best foundation for my spiritual growth?

I didn’t always view the Bible as the kind of friend it has now become. Before I committed my life to Jesus, I found it confusing, even mysterious. Part of the problem was that I tried to read it like any other book, from page 1. Soon, I got bogged down and put it aside.

After I became a believer, the Bible began to come alive. My entry point was reading about the life of Jesus in the New Testament. I began to discover lessons that related to my life right then. In fact, often what I read each morning would, to my amazement, apply directly to events happening that very day. 

Learning from the Bible is the best way to build a “rock-solid” foundation in your spiritual life. In it you will learn who God is, how He wants you to live and how He will help you. Think of it as the foundation of a building. Though a foundation is hidden from view, it is an indispensable part of the building, and no place to cut corners. The soundness and stability of the entire structure depends on the foundation being set properly. Make the Bible the sure foundation of your spiritual life.


                        V- GOD IS LOVE.........................

How can I be sure of God’s love?

Billy Graham, the great evangelist, has said, “The more I read the Bible, the more I realize that love is God’s supreme attribute.” God is a god of love!

I’ve had times when I’ve felt far away from God’s love, and no doubt you have too. Perhaps you grew up in a broken home with little or no affection from your parents. You may have lost loved ones to illness, accident or war. You may have faced poverty and famine as daily realities. Where is God’s love in all this?

I believe God’s heart aches more than we can ever know at the suffering, injustice and difficulties His children encounter. Sin, when it entered the world, brought consequences that affect our lives every day.

But God’s love for each of us was supremely evident when He sent His son, Jesus, to buy us back, or “redeem” us from sin’s terrible impact. John’s gospel tells us: “God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2012 ⏰

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