Villian in shining armor

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Thrax stayed at the bar for a while before noticing the crowd moving in unison to the changing rooms. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he followed after them, only to find that Zero's door had been forced open. Now, Thrax wasn't exactly the hero type, but he had enough decency to know that barging into a woman's changing room was barbaric, no matter how much you admired the poor chick. So he barged his way in front of the crowd and stood defensively in front of Zero, his claw lit up brightly for everyone to see.

"What the fuck is wrong with all of you?! Get the fuck outta here before I either call security or kick the shit out of every single one of you fuckin' inbreds!" He hissed at the crowd, loud enough to already draw in the attention of security

Some of them scurried away like mice off the titanic, others took a few minutes to leave due to not wanting any trouble.

Zero looked at Thrax in amazement, he didn't look like the knight in shining armor type but never the less she was grateful. "Thank you, I owe you one" she sighed and turned to the entrance where a a small table and a vase lay broken "oh for the love of...that's gonna cost me a paycheck."

Thrax cockily folded his arms over his chest and smirked.

"What can I say, baby? I'm terrifyin'." He chuckled. When Zero sighed at the broken vase, he simply shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, I'm chummy with the bartender so I might get'cha off the hook for that one. But next time, you might wanna invest in a tougher door. For example, get one made of titanium." He joked before thrusting his hands in his pockets, saluting at Zero with two claws and walking off, making sure to glare at any stragglers who didn't quite pick up on his threat.

Zero quickly grabbed her red leather trench coat and slipped it on, she followed Thrax out of curiosity. He was something amazing to her, like a malicious dark knight that did a good deed, she was determined to at least talk to him for a bit more. She passed  the germ and his buddies who were currently beating the pulp out of him, she actually felt sorry for the poor fool.

Naturally, Thrax was standing quite close to the fight and spectating with an amused smirk before making his way to the bar and stretching out a hand to the bartender.

"Yo, you owe me 50, baby. They all jumped him." He confidently pointed out. The bartender sighed and pulled out a roll of money, placing it in Thrax's palm with a chuckle.

"Oh so you two get to gamble? Just wait until Mrs.Moon gets a hold of this piece of news" Zero purred and crossed her arms mischievously. She wasn't actually going to tell Mrs. Moon about it, heck she feared that hell of a cell because she was her boss!. "But literally, if Moon finds out your going to get sacked...or beat to near death! That woman sure loves her money" Zero rolled her eyes.

"She won't find out... unless you go snitchin', baby. And trust me," Thrax turned his head to face Zero with a raised brow.

"Nobody likes a snitch. Not even a pretty one in a dress." He finished, gratefully taking a bottle of booze from the bartender and fully turning towards Zero.

"So uh, why exactly are ya followin' me? All I did was shoo some creeps from your changin' room." He asked, leaning his back against the bar.

Zero lightly punched his arm and frowned "I ain't gonna tell her, if I do I'll end up getting half the wages I get for following you, I just wanted to get to know the virus that saved my hide..." She admitted.

Thrax chuckled deeply when she punched his arm and took a swig of his drink.

"Well that's good to hear, because this old fool is the reason I have any money in the first place." He indicated to the bartender, laughing when he recieved a disapproving look. He turned back to Zero, raising a curious brow at her.

"I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I ain't exactly the 'tell-my-life-story-to-a-woman-I-met-at-the-bar' type. I dunno about you, but I think it seems a bit whimpy." He explained, taking another swig of his drink.

"Although I am willin' to buy you a drink for your valiant efforts, baby." The virus chuckled, slicking back his dreads as he did

Zero rolled her eyes and sighed "what is that supposed to mean exactly?" She asks with slight anger, annoyance, and hurt in her voice "I'm not a slutty singer if that is what your implying!". Zero walks out of the bar feeling her self esteem dissolve.

Thrax raised his claws defensively, and before he could explain that wasn't what he meant, Zero had already stormed off. The bartender whistled and walked off awkwardly, leaving Thrax on his own.

"That... wasn't what I meant..." He sighed and finished his drink before leaving some money on the bar and leaving. He'd explain to Zero tomorrow once she hopefully calmed down

Zero rounded a corner and bounded up a staircase to her apartment, she unlocked the door and slumped down on the couch instantly falling asleep. It had been a tough and humiliating day for her and she needed her beauty sleep.Thrax straightened out his trench-coat collar as he also headed home in the cold, dark night, ditching his jacket on the couch and letting out a deep sigh when he finally got home. The night was going so well until Zero misunderstood his comment.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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