"Oh c'mon Ranbir." She rolled her eyes as he laughed.

"And look at you, looking suave and dapper in that Tux. Zegna huh? I haven't brought any of my friends along so you shouldn't have tried so hard" she winked and smiled at him, knowing that she'd been able to tease him right back.

After some more small talk, she thanked him for being there for her that evening. He'd helped her with her work even though they were in different departments. This meant a huge deal to her. And she knew she could count on him.

The evening had gone just the way she'd hoped it would. Everyone was happy after the two firms had signed the deal. Alessia had come out running and did an up top when she saw Ranbir.

"Thanks so much dude. This wouldn't have been possible without you. I owe you so much. Really."

"Nah, it wasn't a problem. I'm glad I could help. Plus I owe you for being such an amazing friend."

They kept talking for a while, and having the drinks that a waiter had just brought them.

"Hey, let's go to the terrace. Burbank looks amazing in the night and the view from the top of this building's great" Alessia said, leading the way towards the stairs. She stopped midway and checked her phone. She typed something with her free hand and locked it as they climbed the last flight of stairs.

"You were pretty fast, even with the dress. Must be so difficult trying to be a lady for once" Ranbir teased her again.

"HAH. Funny. And man, don't forget the heels"

"I didn't know you owned a pair of heels"

"I don't."

They stopped talking as they walked to the protective wall. They just admired the view for a very long time. Then Alessia's phone buzzed again, and yet again, she typed something on it and locked it.

"Hey. Can I ask you something personal?" Alessia asked looking at him, concerned.

"Uh, sure." He replied, not sounding too much at ease as he usually was around her.

"Look, bro... I care about you man. I do. And I know that you need to move on. Look at you, you're such an amazing guy. You know the actual reason I asked you to come up here? Not the view or the blaring music down there. I just couldn't take all the attention anymore. You are such a magnet really."


"C'mon, didn't you seriously not notice? Okay I'll admit, you look really hot in that tux... Maybe you should give it a try. Not with those duck faced airheads in my dept." she said rolling her eyes.

"Hmpf" he smirked, smiling slightly.

"Look Al. It's not that I don't want to move on, okay? I.."

"Yeah, I kno..."

"No, you don't" he said cutting her off.

He looked away while she typed on her phone again. Briefly.

"Look, I appreciate all that you're trying to do for me, alright? I WANT to move on like we all do. I want to be happy and not what I am. I know it's been five years. She's probably happy. Or maybe with someone. I don't know. But there's always this feeling. What if I tried to make things better? What if I met her, in Melbourne? What if I call her? But you know I can't. I love her, I still do. And I probably will for my entire life. But that doesn't mean that I should try to get back with her. Wouldn't that be just... Unfair? How can I do that to her only so I have my way?"

He paused and neither said anything for a few moments.

"Alessia, I'm sorry I snapped. It's just that I don't know how to go about this. It's frustrating. I just can't find a way out of this."

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