Nightmare's Past

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~Age 3~

I feel...dead...broken. I opened my eyes to see that i'm in a hospital. I see a woman, man, and two girls. They all looked...scared...of what? I got up and looked in the mirror. My dull black eyes were...lifeless...I saw a doctor talk to the man and the woman. " Well...sweethearts...go play with your new sister! " the woman said with abit of fear in her voice. The adults left then it was just me and the two girls. " So...i'm Dream and this is (Y/N)" the oldest girl said and gestured to the other. I just gave them my emotionless stare. The fear came back in their eyes, why though? " My name is Nightmare... " I said with my monotone voice. " Um...we know...pretty soon you're gonna be our sister! " the girl named (Y/N) said abit cheerfully. " Sis...ter? " I said in confusion and they looked at each other and giggled " Yah! " they said in a usion. I looked at them once more til the door swung open (( SHIT THE COPS! XD )) " Okay Nightmare....go with your new family..." the doc said then whispered to me " But if anything're gonna have to be a lab it? " he asked and I nodded. I followed the Moons, that's their last name, to their car and got in. " Okay! You can call him " Father " or "dad" and call me "mother" or "mom"! " the woman chirped " Uh...okay... " I said quietly.

~Age 5~

It was the middle of the night and I just couldn't sleep, not because I found out my father was a demon, my mother was a fallen angel, and my sisters were demons and a little bit of angel, it was just I something was missing. I gave up and walked down stairs and heard fighting " I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WANT TO GET RID OF HER WHEN WE FINALLY GOT HER BACK BEFORE THEY COULD FIND SOMETHING OUT!? " I heard mother cry out in anger. " Well Rose! She is a threat to us! Do you want to die!?" my father yelled but I was watching, abit confused. They kept saying the words " Threat " and "her" and "Find out" when my father looked royally pissed he took out a sword and...chopped my mother's head off...then he dismembered her. Chopping every limb from her body....I stayed there, shocked and scared. The once clean dinning room was painted a crimson red while my father was in the center, laughing like a madman with the remains of my mother were all around him. I stepped back and tripped making my presence noticeable " what happened... " my father looked at me and smiled sadistically " Well...we can't have any witnesses.. " he started to come closer to me and I ran away. I ran to my sister's room and entered. They looked at me and saw my terrified expression " what happened! " they both said at the same time " " I said and they got really worried " who...killed her? " (Y/N) asked and I felt my voice cracked " F-Father....killed h-her... " I said and they both looked at me in shock. Even though I stayed with them for two years...I began to feel emotions that I think I felt before. " Come on! " Dream yelled and dragged both me and (Y/N) out the window.

~Age 5 after a few weeks~

Me and (Y/N) were home alone since Dream went to go get groceries. She was the oldest and yeah you know. When she finally came home we greeted her with a smile and she left to the kitchen. After abit I felt something uneasy and I suddenly shot up and ran into the kitchen. My sister was trying to put out a fire and (Y/N) dragged me out of the house " have to stay here... " she said and I saw the fire started to get bigger. " NO! " I shouted and tried to run but (Y/N) held me back. " PLEASE PLEASE LET ME GO! " I shouted but (Y/N) shook her head. After a few minutes the firemen came and took out the fire. When they left I stared at the ashes of our house. I ran to find something- no someone. I dug through all the burned objects and s=ashes until I found ragged clothes that my sister were wearing until the fire. I cried and cried then me and my now only sister, (Y/N), returned to live with our father and it wasn't pleasant.

~Age 8~

I was walking through the woods and hummed quietly. I remembered how me and Dream walk down here and just talk. We always talk about what is happening in our lives and now i'm alone again, I still have (Y/N) though. I heard leaves crumbling and it wasn't from me. I turned to see the doctor that used to take care of me before I went with my family. " Hello...Nightmare... " he said and laughed abit. I tilted my head slightly to the right and he sprayed me with something. I felt dizzy and my vision blurred til I passed out. After an hour or so I woke up and I saw a chain around my neck at the chained to a wall. " Ah! You're awake! " the doc said and smiled " Now...we are just testing something to see if anything works.. " with that he closed the door and locked it. Water started filling the room and I panicked, I then started hitting the door with all my strength and crying for help. The water reached my knees and I began to shake. A few minutes of crying for help/hitting the door, the water was all the way up the my neck. I dropped to my knees and held my breath. I couldn't hold my breath for long and started to open my mouth. Water began to fill my lungs and it burned so badly. I kept trying to scream for help but all that came out were bubbles. Before I could pass out, the door opened and the room flooded out. " Nightmare....i'm never going to leave you alone again... " my worried sister said and ran back home.

~Age 15~

Those memories....eating away at my matter how many good things happening to me...I can never forget them...they eat at my soul...begging me to scream in pain so they can watch laughing...all the people I killed were to stop me from snapping and/or I was doing my job...I felt tears streaming down my face....all because this is how I was meant to matter how hard I try, how human I act....I was still a monster...I never done anything to help those innocent souls (minus Pink and Red)....the last thing I see from them was fear...even when I first met my family....I saw fear...everyone fears here I am...staring at the corpse of the voice that was in my head...the blood all over the clothes are now painted crimson red...and my eyes...they hold a demon inside them...insanity....and a monster....all because I snapped....I couldn't take it'm alone...even if i'm not alone physically....






" G4m3 0v3r...w4nn4 try 4g41n?....h3h3h3....."

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