Haruto Ito

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Name: Haruto Ito

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

Weight: 90kg/ 198 pounds  ((This is healthy for his height I think))

Sexuality: Bi-romantic Asexual

Nationality: Japanese

Talent: Ultimate Philosopher

Looks: Haruto Ito has shaggy strawberry blonde hair that covers his left eye. The hair goes down to his mid-neck. His eyes are a dull greenish blue and he has bags under his eyes. He wears a pastel pink shirt with a navy tie which is rather short. The back of tie goes down to the bottom of his chest. He has a few scars on his wrist. His trousers are a bland blue and he wears pastel pink hightop converses with pastel green laces.

Personality: Haru is often in his own world and doesn't respond to anything whilst he daydreams. He won't give you the answer to your question directly though he will hint at it. He doesn't really care about anyone or anything, including himself. When you ask him a question about morality and things of the sort, his eyes will light up and he will go on a tangent explaining his own and society's views on the subject. He always question society and if their morals are the right ones

Backstory: Haruto had a relatively normal childhood until his girlfriend at the time contracted cancer and died because of it. This impacted his 14-yr old brain heavily and gave him depression. He used that mental state to think and question deeply about life and that gave him his Ultimate title. His depression has thankfully faded away but the apathy remained.

Kill or killed: He would definately kill

Execution: 'Plato's Cave!'
Haruto is placed in a cave surrounded by three Monokuma's that are tied up. He realises that he needs them to escape the cave-like room so he unties them. Haruto starts telling them how the cave-like room is just a small part of the world and how many better things are out there. The Monokuma's disagree with Haruto chanting: "This is all we've known, This is all the world is". The three Monokuma's mangle and scratch at Haruto's body, his screams bouncing and echoing off the walls. A few minutes pass and all that's left of Haruto is a pile of flesh and blood. ((Wow that's brutal-er then intended))


I hope you like him! I haven't used him much for Rp-ing so yeah.

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