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"Take you home?"he chokes up.

"Yeah...take me home as in im new in town and well...since you claim to be harmless. Maybe you could help me find my apartment building?"I ask the stranger hesitantly"I tried following google maps but it keeps taking me in circles and to be honest, I'm about to faint from jet lag."

"Well you're completely in luck. I know exactly where it's at,"he smiles hopping off his bike

I probably shouldn't have trusted someone so easily but he seemed harmless at this point. If anything happened, I'd probably just kick him where the sun don't shine and bolt off running.

"I just need to deliver these upstairs. It'll only take a couple minutes,"he says, a bakery bag in his hand.

I watch him walk upstairs, his small curls bouncing as he makes his way up. He was quite beautiful. Beautiful wasn't even enough of a word to describe him but nonetheless true.

A couple minutes pass and he walks down with an older gentleman, laughing and chatting off about a boat needing to be patched up and the young man offering to help.

"Thank you so much Harry. I don't know what I'd do without you,"the older gentleman chuckles.

"Anything for you Robert. You know that as long as I'm around, you'll always have a tasty muffin to eat in the morning."

They say their goodbyes and now here I am with this smiling stranger before me. He grabs ahold of his bike and walks ahead of me.

"you coming or staying?"he looks back at me with that dimply smile of his and I nod,"well hurry up then, don't want to be left behind do you?"

I smile shyly and catch up to him.

We walk side by side, cold water drizzling against our skin.

"So muffins, at 1 in the morning?"I ask.

"If you had these muffins, you'd sure as hell be craving them at 1 or even 4 in the morning. I'd offer you one but I already delivered them to Mr. Robert and the last one that remained has already been eaten by me."

"Don't worry,"I laugh,"I'll try them some other day."

We walk in silence and manage to sneak a couple peeks at his face. He continues to walk tall beside me, quite intimidating but just as intriguing. He's wearing a long olive colored coat that hides his brown slacks and white collared shirt. The most simple an outfit could get but for some reason, it adorned him quite nicely.  A simple combination that looked like the most interesting outfit anyone could ever wear. He's wearing a little newsboy hat now but I can still see his brown wavy hair peaking from under it. Lastly, my eyes land on the side of his face. Not much to take in but he still looks handsome from this angle. His jaw is prominent with a little stubble peaking through. His lashes? Slightly curled adorning his green jaded eyes.

"You're staring rather intensely"he says bluntly.

My face begins to feel hot even though small droplets of cold water fell down my face and I'm absolutely embarrassed.

"I wasn't staring,"I lie.

"Yeah, and I'm blind,"he smiles back at me.

Another wave of silence hits us before I open my mouth, the most simple, yet terrifying sentence escapes my lips.

"Tell me about this place."

"Thought you didn't talk to strangers."

I give him a look that instantly makes him flustered, if I said half as much stupid shit as he did, I'd probably become flustered too.

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