First Sight (Arima's POV)

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(A few days earlier)


The headline flashed across my screen, and I sigh. The battle in the 11th Ward between the ghouls and CCG had just started, but the death toll was catastrophic.

I sigh. This is getting out of hand, I think to myself. I didn't want any more of Tokyo's human population to die, but this war had to be fought. These wild ghouls had to be controlled. If they were allowed to continue to run free, they would cause an unbalance in the system, and the world would turn upside down.

This battle needs to end. Too many human deaths could result in an extinction of both races. If the humans die out, the ghouls would die off slowly due to starvation, or start cannibalizing each other. I shudder. The thought of cannibalization was repulsive and it made me sick just thinking about it.

Just then, a knock on the door caught my attention.

"Come in," I say, secretly thankful that they interrupted my thoughts.

The door opened and a group of Investigators dressed in battle armor walked in.

A tension filled the air, but it wasn't a tension due to intimidation. It was a tension due to excitement. The excitement was so thick it was almost choking.

"Sir, we bring good news," said the man closest to me. He is obviously their squad leader.

"I can tell. What is it?" I reply.

"You know that ghoul we've been trying to capture? Well, the troops succeeded."

I raise an eyebrow. "You caught Eyepatch?"

He looked a bit uneasy. "No, sir. Not yet."

I sigh and turn back to my computer screen. "Then who?"

He shifted his armor in a proud way. "We caught her. Tokyo's Black Widow."

My eyes went wide.

Black Widow was a level SS ghoul, and very hard to catch. Every time we came close to catching her, she would slip through our fingers.

But I couldn't believe it. We have been tracking her for several years, and we finally caught her. I felt overjoyed.

Standing up, I clear my face of emotion and face the men. "Good work. What is her status?"

"She is currently on Level B." Level B stood for ... well ... Basement. We had it remodeled into white quarantine labs with a 2 way mirror, but they hadn't installed the equipment yet. "We would have put her in the detention center, but the other ghouls would cause her to have an...episode...."

I hold up my hand, and he stops talking. "I would like to see her to know if she is well fit for testing."

"Yes, sir."

* * *

As we walk down to the labs, I remember what the leader had said. " We would have put her in the detention center, but the other ghouls would cause her to have an...episode...."

While tracking her, we noticed a pattern. When we were close to closing in on her, she became emotionally distressed, which lead to her "episodes."

The episodes often caused her to unleash "full fury" on whoever was in her way. According to a connection, she isn't in her right mind during the episodes. When she recovers, it is said that she doesn't remember a single thing that happened. It's strange, but we cannot have that happening.

They call her Black Widow because of 2 reasons: 1. she wears black with red slashes. The back of her jacket always has a red hourglass on the back and her mask is the same way and 2. Her kakuja transforms her into a spider. A lot of investigators want her kagune to make quinques.

But nobody has caught her... Until today.

As we reached the lab, the security was greater. Is this just due to her "episodes" that she could have?

A guard stood by the door that led to level B. He took one look at me and nodded. Being a Special Investigator had perks like this, getting access to everything within the CCG, from high-security labs down to conference rooms. But I don't let that get to my head.

We walked into a dark room with a big table, several flat screen TVs, and a giant window that took up the entire back wall.

"Take a look for yourself," the Investigator said. So I walked over to the window, and what I saw made me gasp.

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