Chapter 22 (Bonus Chapter)

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A/N: Please read before reading chapter!

I was supposed to write an epilogue for this book but sadly, I couldn't think of anything, sorry. So instead, I wrote this last chapter which will only be understood by people who watch Once Upon A Time. This chapter isn't at all that vital to the storyline and it's alright if you skip it.

Ginny was waiting in the dark forest with her wand for protection. Her wand was the only light in the darkness. Ginny didn't exactly feel that scared because she knew that whatever monsters around here were supposed to be scared of her. Ginny heard a noise that was familiar and she immediately turned around and saw a swirl of blue right behind her. Taking in a deep breath and clutching her wand tightly, Ginny went inside the swirl of blue-which is a portal-and ended up in her destination.

The Enchanted Forest, or more specifically, Rumplestilskin's castle.

"Welcome back dearie," a scaly man crept up on Ginny but she wasn't fazed.

"Rumplestilskin," Ginny said in a curt voice.

"I can see that you don't want to stay with the pleasantries and I like it." Rumplestilskin sat on a stool that was right beside his spinning wheel and crossed his legs. "So, how did it go? Was the curse successful?"

"It was," Ginny nodded.

"From the start and then to the ending?"


Rumplestilskin clapped his hand and the sound boomed around the stone room that they were in. "Good," he sprang up.

Rumplestiltskin walked towards Ginny with a smile on his scaly face. "Now dearie. What's your price?"

Ginny was prepared with this question and already knows what she wants. "I need your help."

"Help with what?"

Ginny explained that Hermione and her brother was engaged and everybody knew all about it. She told him that she needed his help in making people forget about the engagement and all about Ron and Hermione being together.

"That's quite a huge request," Rumplestiltskin said after a while.

Ginny began to feel a little nervous because if Rumplestiltskin doesn't want to do her request, then everything will feel as if it was all for nought. Harry and Hermione are together and are completely in love but how will they break it down to Ron? To everyone? It isn't easy starting new but Ginny knew that Hermione and Harry deserved it.

"But I'll do it," Rumplestiltskin finished. Ginny let out a sigh of relief. "You did me a huge favor dearie. I can do this favor for you because I don't like being in debt."

"Good," Ginny's eyes sparkled in happiness.

"Let me just get my things and I will be with you."

Rumplestiltskin left the room, leaving Ginny behind. She took a seat on one of the chairs, careful not to touch anything. She looked around the familiar room that was covered with rocks. This wasn't the first time that she has been here. When she was searching for a way to help Hermione and Harry, she found a book about this man named Rumplestiltskin.

Some people say that he wasn't real and just a man in a story, or as it was written, the Beast in the story. Ginny heard more stories about this man and learned that there were more worlds than their own. Millions and millions more and Rumplestiltskin lived in one of them. Trying to find a way to call him was hard but Ginny saw that it was just simply saying his name. After a few tries, Ginny found Rumplestiltskin and they struck a deal.

Ginny heard footsteps and she thought that it was Rumplestiltskin, she stood up from her seat but she only saw a girl. A girl with luscious brown hair and beautiful eyes, wearing a blue and white dress. The girl entered the room, her eyes on Ginny for a while but wandered around as if she was looking for someone. The girl was about to open her mouth as if she was going to ask her something.

For a moment, she almost reminded her of-

"Belle!" Rumplestilskin exclaimed when he saw her.

Belle turned around in shock and walked towards Rumplestiltskin. Ginny was confused, was this another person who's in need of his help? She hasn't seen Belle before in her first visit. Ginny inwardly laughed at the coincidence that her name was Belle, almost like in the story that she created for Harry and Hermione.

"Rumple," she spoke. Ginny noticed an Australian accent in her voice.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her. Ginny noticed that his voice softened when he talked with her. She thought that she must be someone special in his life.

"Oh I'm already done cleaning," she replied.

"Yes, but don't you usually read a book until I tell you to do something?"

"I do," she nodded. "But I found this in the mail." Belle handed out to Rumplestiltskin a piece of paper. He opened it and read it. He handed it back to Belle.

"We'll talk about this later. I just have to take care of something." Belle nodded and scrambled out if the room.

Rumplestiltskin walked towards Ginny who's eyes were still on Belle. "Let's go dearie," Rumplestiltskin brought her back to reality.

Rumplestiltskin was holding what looks like a bean in his hand. He and Ginny left the castle and went into the woods.

As they walked, Ginny asked Rumplestiltskin the question that was she wanted to ask him.

"Belle," she started. "I haven't seen her before. Who is she?"

"She's my maid," he replied.

"You seem to have a soft spot for her," Ginny voiced out.

Rumplestiltskin paused and so did Ginny. "It's none of your business dearie. Unless you still want me to do your favor, I suggest we just keep things in buisness."

He took a few steps and Ginny was behind him with a small smile on her face. "He definitely likes her."







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Beauty and the Beast: Harry Potter FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora