Take Me, Alpha - Prologue

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     I ran. I ran blindly, not knowing where I was running to. I ran unfazed by the stabbing pains of sharp twigs digging into my bare feet. They were superficial wounds - They would heal quickly. if only the wound in my heart would heal. No. This jagged wound in my chest ran deep, affecting my every thought. I ran from my home. I ran from the horrors that haunted my mind. 

     I forced my legs to keep going. I didn't dare to stop. Run. Keep going. Don't stop. Go. My mind was in a haze as I tried to process my surroundings. Yet, somehow I couldn't see anything around me. Trees flashed by me in a blur.        

     I ran until I could no longer put one paw ahead of another. Only then did I dare to stop running. I came to a screeching halt as I slumped to the ground, dead tired. The last thing I saw before the darkness took over was two werewolves running towards me. I tried to stagger to my feet to greet them and show them I wasn't a threat, but exhaustion took over and I blacked out. 

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