being strange in a place

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The girl looked really frightened she was on the window ledge about to jump don't your safe come on down from there let's get you cleaned and into clothes actually I'll find a doctor

N-n-no D-d-doctor I-i-I'm f-fine I barely whispered fine let's get you in a warm shower I nodded she got the water ready for me she said that she'll
Come back if I needed any help I quickly got cleaned the warm water

Burned my cuts and slashes making me winch into pain which puts me into a trans I snapped out when She knocked and said she put clothes on

Counter washed then got dressed.

Eliza how is she Oh besides trying to jump out a window fine I asked if she needed a doctor said No oh and Ban  No Ideas She's not the type of girl you want to mess with maybe I didn't say I did well then did she tell you her name ?

No she didn't she came down the stairs she was acting strange like like something was going to happen she went outside we followed to see what was up with her then all of a sudden
A thing came out of the sky she caught
It she threw back what the Hell was that it was Gil-thunder's sword don't worry he'll never find the location it came from how because if you actually knew who I was then that would be .......

Pockets back so soon maybe we should've done more damage hey boys how about this you go back to where the hell you came from she says.

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