My Life

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"We're going to a party tonight," Monica says excitedly to me over the phone.
I had been sleeping so peacefully, until my phone started ringing.

"Monica it's freaking 5:00 in the morning, what the hell," I say after seeing the time. My voice is all hoarse, and cranky from just waking up.
"U don't get up this early?," she asks.
"No. What the hell is wrong with u," I say, pissed from being awoken.
"I have to get up this early, it takes me a really looong time to get ready,"
"And why couldn't you just tell me at school later," I say now sitting up against the headboard.
"Because I'm bored, and have no one to talk to," she says and I can hear the bored ness in her voice.
"You literally have 11 siblings go wake one of them. TTYL," I say quickly and hang up.

I lay back down into my purple silk sheets and try to fall back to sleep. But I can't, I just feel like something weird is going to happen today and I don't know why.

I sit up again and jump out of bed. I walk over to my window and open it, then climbed out.
I do this a lot when I feel like thinking. I just love sitting or laying on the roof looking at the stars and thinking about my life, and future.

Now I'm just thinking about my patents. I always feel like they don't want me, the way their never home. Did I mention my parents are my adoptive parents. Yeah they adopted me when I was 2. Even though their not biologically my parents, I call them my mom and dad cause well, you don't have to be blood to call someone ur family. I just wish they were around more often. I'm not gonna say I'm rich, but we have a lot of money. My dad is a very good lawyer,actually considered one of the best. and my mother is a nurse.
We own a big ass house with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. I have two older sisters and an older brother. My sisters are twins and are off at college right now. And my brother, well my parents are very dissapointed in him. At the age of 14 he became an drug addict. He did rehab, but everytime he got out he would just get back on it. He is a really good person at heart, but will also do anything for money and last time he did something for money it did not turn out good.
I have a younger sister too, who died a few years ago from cancer. That's mainly when my mom and dad started leaving on vacations a lot. They always said we look a lot a like. I looked like a older version of her and vice versa. That's why I think they leave a lot and never want to be around me much. because I remind them too much of her.
I check the time, on my phone and realize it's 6, I have been thinking about this subject for over an hour and didn't realize it, it had only felt like a few mins. I guess whenever you get really deep in thought u don't realize how much time passes by.

I crawl through my window and start getting ready. I take a quick shower, blow dry, and straighten my hair. I put on light make up then pick out my outfit.
I put on tight high waist pair of blue jeans that make my ass look bigger than usual. And a white crop top with a hand throwing up a peace sign on it, with some white and blue converses.
I see that it's 8:02 and should probably head to school. I live 15 mins away, so it'll take a min to get there.
I arrive to school and surprisingly Dominic toretto is standing in front of my locker. He smirks as I walk up to him slowly.
"Hi," I say looking at him strangely.
"Hey," he says casually, looking me up and down then smirking.
I stand there for a moment
"Well ur in front of my locker," I say in an irritated voice.
"Oh my bad," he says moving out the way but still not leaving.
"Can I help you with something?," I ask him looking up.
"Yeah actually you can," he says, looking me up and down then smirking again.
"I'd like to take you out,'' he says leaning on the locker next to mine that also belonged to some nerd named Jesse.
I roll my eyes, this can not be happening.
"Dude, I don't have time for ur bullshit," I say while pulling books out my locker.
"Well good thing I'm not bull shitting," he says with a huge grin on his face.
"Okay so let's say ur not just fucking around With me, all you want to do is have sex, and I'm not pathetic like your little fan club. I won't become another notch to ur belt," I say pissed before stomping away.
I could feel a few pairs of eyes watching me, but I ignored.
I walk into the girls bathroom that was empty.
I sit my little bag down and just stare in the mirror. Why of all days that I don't really feel good, he had to do that.
"Wow, I just saw what happened in the hall," Rhonda says walking into the bathroom laughing.
"Fuck off Rhonda," I say irritated.
Rhonda is pretty much my enemy, we hate each other. She wears a bunch of make up and always has her hair in a new, werid style. she has porcelain skin, and sometimes over tans, and looks majorly orange. And of course is ur typical blonde."it must be embarrassing to know someone like Dominic toretto will never be with u," she says tautly.
She thinks she's all that lately because her and Dom slept together last weekend.
"Actually I'm happy that someone like him isn't into me,"
"And why is that?," she asks.
"Because you know he slept with you, which means he has horrible taste. So yes I'm glad he doesn't like me," I snap while walking out the girls bathroom.
"There you are," Monica says pulling me into her the moment I walk out the bathroom.
"What's up?," I ask.
"Rj just asked me out," she says happily.
"But vic likes him, she has had a crush on him forever," I say starting to complain, knowing that it would start drama between them.
"I know I know, I wouldn't do that to her. I told him no. it's just exciting to know that someone that hot thought I was worthy enough to be his prom date," she says. I laugh, typical Monica.

The first bell rings and we both rush off to class.
"Byyyyeee," she going the other Direction.
We have never had classes together except for in freshmen year.
I sigh madly as I remember Dominic toretto is in literally somehow all my classes.
I walk into science chemistry and sit in my assign seat that is in the back of the class.
The person who usually sits next to me isn't here today so I had the whole table to myself.
I take out my drawing pad and start finishing sketching a challenger.
"That is really good," I hear from behind and I immediately recognize his voice.
"I know," I say Rudely, hoping he'd walk away.
'Well aren't you feisty, I like that in girls," he says sitting next to me.
"You like being inside of girls who drop their panties for you whenever you pass by," I say, looking him straight in the face.
",I wouldn't be after you then, right?," he says, looking right back at me.
"Gosh I'm tired of this, just go away. Leave me alone," I tell him getting more and more pissed off.
"Ur not used to guys hitting on u, are you?," he asks ambit roll my eyes.
"Of course I am, because all the guys at this school are assholes just like u, ur not actually into me ur the type of guy who are into the girls who wear 20 pounds of makeup. The ones who wear shirts that make their boob's pop out. And wear skirts so short that you can see their vagina. Wanna know why everyone can see their vagina because they don't wear underwear and want everyone to see. And I am the opposite of that. So answer me Dom why in the fuck do u want to go out with me," I tell him. Having to keep my tone in check because I wanted to yell so bad.
He stares at me a moment from being so stunned.
"Alright everyone in their assigned seats. Let me check roll and we can start our day," the teacher Mrs. Olivia says walking in the classroom. She is the worst teacher in the history of teachers.
Blah blah blah blah, I'm not gonna bore you with the details of class, except for the end.
"Okay class we have a project, yes I know I know the world is gonna end, but somehow you'll live.  There is a stack of papers next to the door, please grab before you walk out, you will regret it if u don't. Also everyone has to have a partner,"
Hannah and I both look at each other at the same time and smile, so do other people with friends in here.
"Don't get any ideas, I am choosing ur partner," she adds and we all groan.

Taylor and Jordan

Emma and Katie

Rachel and Vince

Mia and Travis

Cindy and Madison

Elena and Leon

Letty and Dom

Ester and Elizabeth,"

It literally took me a moment to realize what she had said.
Why? Why does this stuff only happen to me.


Wow this is probably the longest chapter I've ever written. I know that this chapter isn't really all that good, but I wanted to let you guys know what Letty's life is like.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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