Chapter 1

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Wall-e POV:

I was SO happy everyone had return to earth safely! And that Eva saved my life! She comes up to me with the sweetest smile I've ever Seen her make!
"So, what happens next..?" I tried to respond quick enough, but then she saw my confusion and added to her question. "I completed my mission, and people are helping clean the planet so... what happens now..?" I thought for a moment, then answered. "We... make new ones." I saw her confusion then added: " You completed your mission? We'll Make new ones! Humans doing my job? I'll find something else to help with!" I said trying to cheer her up.It kinda helped... I guess... she gave me a kind little smile. "Thank you Wall-e. For everything."  "Your welcome Eva" I said while giving her a little kiss on the cheek.
Soon, the captain called us over with him by the plant. We both walked over to him as he was looking at the plant peacefully.

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