Gatsby and the Crossroads Demon

Start from the beginning

"Well, well, well. Trying to back out of a deal are we Gatsby?" The woman said slyly.

"No please don't. I'm not ready yet. I just need a little more time." Gatsby replied.

"Time. Everyone always needs a little more time. Tough luck. Your time's up." The woman raised her arms above her head and was about to do some horrid thing or another to him. Daisy was confused but curious. She saw two men running behind the woman. She thought maybe they could help if she stalled the mysterious woman.

"Wait!" Daisy cried aloud. The woman turned to her.

"What now? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?" The woman was clearly aggravated by this.

"Take me instead. I don't have much to live for now anyways. Just take me and do what you will with me. I'll take his place."

"That's not how this works foolish girl. He made a deal with me and it's payment day."

"Can't you alter the deal or something?" Daisy was desperate. She didn't want to lose Gatsby. This world wouldn't be the same without him. Then again Gatsby felt the same way about her. The two men that were behind the woman were closer now.

"Please do what you want to with me. Just don't hurt her." Gatsby pleaded with her.

"Well you know taking the souls of both of you would be rather enjoyable. My boss would be happy."

At this point the two men were close enough to her that they could hear the conversation. They stopped running and began to walk slowly in order to creep up on her. They almost did it but then the taller of the two stepped on a piece of glass from one of the dumpsters and startled her. She whirled around to face the two.

"Well looky here. If it isn't the Winchesters." She flung her arms above her head to either side of her. The two men were flung onto the sides of the buildings a good few feet in the air. They both looked annoyed. The woman turned back to face us keeping them in their place.

"Well it looks like tonight's your lucky night." The woman said with an evil grin. The two men, the Winchesters, struggled to break free from whatever the woman had pinned them down with. Daisy, who Gatsby was now trying to pull away from the whole scene, noticed that the shorter man had an oddly shaped blade in his hand.

"Gatsby shouldn't we try to help?" Daisy whispered.

"Daisy, darling, you don't understand how dangerous this could be for us. Let them take care of it. They were casing her after all." Gatsby wanted to keep her safe. Daisy gave him a look that said he had better do something about what was going on. Gatsby sighed in defeat and turned to the woman.

"What's so special about these two?" He asked her. She turned back around.

"You mean you don't know who these two are? Why, they're the Winchesters. Their souls are the most wanted thing around in hell. Imagine all the praise I'll get after bringing their souls to Crowley. I can hear it now." The woman was distracted with what she was saying and lost her concentration on keeping the Winchesters on the walls. They both fell to the ground. By the time the woman heard the thud and turned around the shorter Winchester was behind her with a knife. When she turned around she had cut her stomach open on the knife. She screamed out in pain as a yellow glowing light shown through the cut. It went away as quickly as it came. With one more flick of the blade the Winchester had stabbed her in the heart and killed her.

"Who are you?" Gatsby asked.

"Want to give him the speech." The shorter one said to the taller one.

"We're hunters." The taller one said.

"Hunters?" Daisy asked.

"We hunt monsters for a living. That thing that we just killed was a crossroads demon. Any idea who it was coming after?" The shorter one commented harshly.

"She was coming for me. I didn't know what she wanted when I made the deal." Gatsby replied. Gatsby and Daisy were still trying to take everything in.

"So demons are real?" Daisy said.

"Yep. and a lot of other things as well." The tall one said.

"Can you tell us about them? I want to be more prepared if anything like this were to ever happen again." Gatsby asked.

"Are you sure you really want that? It's a big burden to carry believe me, we do this for a living. We've seen all sorts of things." The tall man cautioned.

"I want to know." Gatsby insisted.

"Alright then we'll tell you a few things." The shorter one said. They walked along the streets of New York and spoke of the things nightmares are made of. As they walked they passed under billboards one of which was a creepy looking add for an eye doctor. The eyes on it were visible from miles away. The strangers soon parted ways never to see each other ever again. 

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