They rounded a corner to find a pair of double doors with all of his friends in front of it. Steve smiled, his free hand coming up to give a small salute-like wave.

"Nice of you to finally join us," Tony remarked. "We've got a surprise for you."

"Why the museum, though?" Steve laughed lightly.

Daisy stepped forward to take Steve's other arm. "I sold some of the pieces you didn't really care about. I know I should have asked you, but once I found out what they were doing... I think this is for the best."

"Wait, so is this an exhibit?"

"A multi-media learning experience, actually," Bruce commented.

"They took my pieces and some of the research they had done and created something new." Daisy patted his arm. "It opens in two weeks, but we wanted to show it to you first."

Tony snapped his fingers at the older security guard behind them. "Open the doors, good sir!"

The guard grumbled something under his breath, but opened the doors nonetheless. Daisy and Nat guided Steve into the exhibit, everyone else following behind them.

Steve stood in the middle of the exhibit, eyes scanning the place. It was interesting, to see and hear things from his life; things that felt like they were from a lifetime ago. The three of them walked around, stopping to read and listen to the large exhibit pieces.

There were two little alcoves with large screens showing films, one of his movies and the other an interview Peggy had given in the fifties. Nat held his hand a little harder during the Peggy one, but didn't say anything. Daisy did the opposite, she squeezed his hand tight during the movie. "Don't you go ranting about the injustice of this thing," she whispered to him with a wink.

Steve rolled his eyes. "No promises."

The group continued to walk. They paused in front of the huge case of uniforms, looking up at the Howling Commando's and their respective, famous attire. "I always loved that damn coat," Steve said wistfully, looking at Bucky's uniform beside his own.

Clint made a face. "The peacoat?"

Steve nodded, his smile turning mischievous. "Have a lot of memories with that thing. He wore it all winter long and any chance he got."

"What kind of memories?" Daisy asked, smiling.

His eyes widened a little more in panic, a deep blush settling over his cheeks. He coughed, avoiding eye contact. "That's confidential."

"Confidential?" Natasha quipped.

"Steven, what sort of memories?" Daisy asked suspiciously.

Steve shrugged. "Daisy, I would love to tell you," he started before dropping his voice into a whisper, "but I would hate to ruin the image you have of your brother."

Daisy gasped, slapping Steve on the arm with a sharp laugh. "You two are disgusting."

He winked and took her by the arm, guiding her through the rest of the exhibit, leaving the others behind.

And then they reached the Bucky Barnes commemorative wall.

Steve let Daisy's hand fall, taking a tentative step towards the screen where he and Bucky were shown laughing. He couldn't take his eyes off his Bucky, who looked at him like he was everything. He tore his eyes away from his beautiful friend to see if anyone had followed them.

Daisy clung to his back, sniffling. "This video," he whispered in a somber voice, "was when we had just gotten back together. None of the Commandos knew about us yet and we were trying our best to keep it a secret. I didn't realize how lovestruck we both looked," he chuckled. "I'm surprised no one figured it out earlier."

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