Chapter 1

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[author's note: If you haven't read my book, "Finally" I would suggest reading that before this, being that it is book 1 and this is book 2... You'll understand the story more :)]

"Good morning sleepy head!" Mark leaned over and kissed Jamie, his new wife, on the nose. It was the morning after their wedding and the newlyweds were set to fly to Europe later that morning. After Jamie and Mark got engaged, he was asked to attend a pastoral conference in London, and since it would be right around the time of their wedding, Mark decided to surprise Jamie with a honeymoon trip to Europe.

The conference leaders were paying for their flights there and back, so all Mark had needed to do was save up for the trips they would be taking in the various countries. He had spent almost an entire year saving every penny he could. He wanted to make his new wife happy, and he was willing to sacrifice anything to do so.

Jamie's eyes fluttered open and she smiled to see her husband's face looking down on her. "Good morning." She replied and she leaned up to kiss him. "Ready for our honeymoon?" Mark asked. Jamie's eyes widened, "Yes! But why won't you tell me where we're going?" Jamie made a pouting face.

"Because I want it to be a surprise!" Mark smiled deviously at his wife, who seemed unamused. "Ugh, fine." Jamie rolled out of bed and walked outside into the sea air on their patio. For their wedding night, Mark had rented a beach cabana along the north-east coast of Florida, a few hours east of Jacksonville, where their wedding had taken place.

The sun was just finishing it's journey into the morning sky, and the skies were painted with various gorgeous shades of blue, pink and orange. Through the French doors leading out to the patio, Mark could see the first rays of morning sun shining around his wife, accenting every beautiful feature on her body.

Lord, he prayed to himself, thank you for blessing me beyond my wildest dreams with such a gorgeous woman for my wife. Mark got up to join his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her from behind, as the two watched the morning sun finish it's journey into the sky. Once it had finished, Jamie turned to face her husband and asked sweetly, "Do you want me to make some breakfast?"


Mark smiled at his wife, admiring her compassionate spirit, and replied, "Whatever you make will be fantastic." Mark had had the opportunity to eat some of Jamie's food in the past, and he knew she was a good cook, so he didn't want to pass up any chance of getting to eat her food, even though he planned to be married to her for the rest of his life. The small cabana soon smelled of bacon and chocolate chip pancakes, a classic recipe of Jamie's.


Jamie put the pancakes on a plate and placed the bacon on a paper towel to absorb most of the excess grease. Once the table was set, Mark reached across the table and grabbed his wife's hand.


"Dear Lord, thank you for Jamie, and the wonderful woman that she is and for the astounding impact she's already had in my life. I pray that as we continue to grow in our marriage that we would look to you with everything that comes our way, and that we would always seek your will for us and not our own. Help me to cherish my wife more and more with each passing day. Amen."


Mark bit into his first pancake and his eyes opened wide. "Wow, Jamie! These are the best pancakes I've ever had!" Jamie looked at her husband and shook her head in disbelief. "I mean it! You are an amazing cook. I can see that I will be gaining quite a lot of weight in the years to come." Mark rubbed his flat stomach, which he tried in vain to puff out. He only succeeded in making Jamie laugh, and the two sat laughing together.

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