Fallen Skies ~ Chapter Two

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As I'm looking through a dusty old book I find a page that reads (Animal-like humans: These creatures an be very dangerous...Luckily they have been locked away. Whatever you do...Don't let them out if you come across it's cage.) "Alana" I call her over here. I show her the page. "Oh my goodness! Cynthia, we have to tell queen Gabrielle!" She yells "shh" I gesture her to be quiet. She nods. We hurry to The Castle Of Wisdom where we know queen Gabrielle will be. "My queen" Alana and I say with a bow. We show her the book. "This book looks as if it hasn't been touched for ages" She says. "Guards! take this book and lock it in the safe room in the basement" She demands her guard "As for you two...there are some of those creatures outside the city walls begging for trouble. You know what to do" She tells us. Alana and I hurry to the gate that leads outside. "What are you two up to?" Zayne asks popping out of nowhere like always. We tell him everything that we know and he comes outside the city walls with us. The first creature comes right at me but my bow and arrow are to fast. Another one comes from behind but I quickly hit it in the knee with the edge of my bow then shoot it with an arrow straight to the face. I look over and a creature is going for Zayne. Zayne quickly sticks his sword in the throat and cuts off its head. one of the creatures jumps on top of Alana and she finds away to kick it in the stomach and I shoot it before it can make another move. "Wow, there were a lot of those." Alana says. "Zayne duck!" I yell. Zayne ducks as I shoot towards his head but the arrow goes into a creatures chest killing it. We quickly get back into the city walls and go home. I suddenly get a call from the queen and I hurry over to the castle. "Mrs. Lana!" Queen Gabrielle yells at me "Who is Lana?" I ask "Mrs. Lana is who set those creatures free! She's creating an army of swordsman and wizards. She's trying to destroy me and take over Yostings!" She yells. I was shocked by these words that I couldn't say anything but nod my head. When I started to think about it, it makes a lot more sense. "I can't believe how shallow someone could be!" I say finally. The queen nods and hands me a giant axe. "I want to offer you the opportunity to use the great axe of thunder to destroy Lana. Please." she says. I grab the axe and except her offer...but honestly...I'm just going to use what I have used since I was a little girl. My bow and arrow. Of course I feel terrible for taking the axe...but I'll give it back later. The queen gives me a map to Lana's castle in the dark forest. I rush home and get all the sleep I can. I need to think about who all I'm gonna bring with me. Alana and Zayne. Maybe tomorrow I'll meet a few fellow fighters who'll want to fight to the death and go with me. As always I look a out the window and see complete darkness. I go to bed. "Wake up!" Alana shakes me hard. "What!" I yell "Look!?" Alana says scared pointing to the window. I walk over and look out to the sky. The sky is so dark. Danger is coming for us. No. War is coming for us! In the next hour or so I try to find some troops that are willing to come fight beside me in this war. Everyone I have talked to are cowards! All the archers line up in a straight line for me and I walk down the line. "As you all know I am the Archer Leader. I need help in this war we are about to face!" I say loudly "Who is willing to risk there life to save Yostings?!" I yell loudly. Alana stands by my side ready to fight with me. "You are all cowards!" I yell "The best part about being an archer is dying knowing that you saved so many lives! Also knowing that you possibly saved your families lives!" I yell louder. I walk away in disappointment and anger. "Wait!" Alana says catching up to me "So does this mean we have no one?!" She asks furiously "Yes! It means we can't leave till we have enough troops!" I yell "At least we have Zayne" Alana says "That doesn't matter! Zayne isn't enough! If we don't hurry our queen could die!" I yell "Cynthia, do you mean queen Gabrielle?" Alana asks "Yes! What other queen is there?!" I yell "Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight for a moment." she says "It's fine" I say still angry. As I'm storming off I catch a glimpse of a guy. Wait! Its that guy that tried to kill me! I run after him but he gets away again. I grab a random book and start to read hoping that it'll cool me off so I'll stop yelling. I fall asleep. The next morning I go to check on the queen and she's drinking her morning tea as usual. "Did you get enough troops?" she asks "No. Everyone I've asked are to scared to go." I tell her "Well, you need to figure out how to get people to realize they need to go and do this." she says "I've tried...They just aren't getting what I'm telling them!" I say sadly. I leave the castle and go sit in the yard by the pond feeding the ducks. "You okay?" I hear a voice. I look up and see Zayne. "No" I answer with tears about to fall at any second. "I don't know what to do" I say "How about we go to Alana's house. We can all go for a walk" He says "Great idea" I say. I wipe the tears and we head for Alana's house.

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