X. Nothing Ever Lasts Forever

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She squinted as the light hit her sensitive eyes, lifting a hand up to block the sun's glare to allow her vision to focus. When it did, she turned in a full circle to assess the surroundings.

Fuck, she thought. He really did take Winterfell.

There were a few bodies of guards littered around, and the Stark banners that hung from the walls of Winterfell were in the process of being burned. A body had already been beheaded in the centre of the square, and she noticed a Maester tending to the wails of two young boys.

She turned to her brother again, an impressed smirk falling on her lips.

"I'll be damned, brother. Maybe you're not as useless as we thought."

"We caught them by surprise," Theon said proudly, placing his hands on his hips, "they hadn't been expecting an invasion after your men were slaughtered. She really did a number on you didn't she?" Theon teased, gesturing to the marks that still littered Yara's face.

"If I ever get my hands on the Bua bitch again," she threatened, "I'll kill her with my bare hands."


It was around midday, surely there was duties to be attended to - but Robb and Fianna weren't concerned with anything happening outside of his tent.

They had been laying in his bed, fully clothed of course - just enough restraint between them both not to lay with each other as a man would with his wife. Instead, sharing kisses and exchanging stories and enjoying the simplicities of their newfound situation.

They lay on their sides, their faces close together and Robb's hand resting on Fianna's hip.

"Tell me about the first girl you ever kissed," Fianna asked suddenly, curious to know everything about the king laying aside her.

"She was the kennel masters daughter, she was smitten with me so after dinner one evening I walked her to her chambers and kissed her, just to try it out," Robb told her softly, trailing his rough hand along her side.

"Smitten with you?" Fianna asked teasingly, "she must have been a fool."

"You would know what a fool looks like wouldn't you?" He fired back.

"Yes actually, I'm looking at one right now," she had outwitted him again, causing him to groan and roll his eyes. Fianna lifted her hand and gently began to trail her finger down Robb's face, feeling the grooves of his face.

"You're too smart for me, my lady," he admitted with a soft smile, his gaze combing over her expression. She flatted her hand against his cheek, cupping it.

"It is known," was all she said before leaning in and kissing his lips again, for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Yet she never grew tired of the feeling of his lips beneath hers.

Besides, she knew their blissful happiness would one day come to an end. So she was going to seize every moment with Robb while she could.

"Robb?" A voice called out from the entrance to the tent, causing them both to freeze in fear, separating their lips.

Lady Catelyn.

Winter In My Heart | ROBB STARK.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora