i'm your biggest fan

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* blair's P.O.V *
I was walking out of school with my frienemy, chuck, when i felt my phone buzz. I quickly pulled it out of my back pocket, and read the new message outloud. "A new girl has just arrived in New York, and she is looking very lost. Turns out, new girl is Blair Waldorf's favorite model, named " Alanna Mali "  Can Chuck Bass control himself, or will Miss. Alanna be dragged into one of Chuck's games? Whats to come next? seems like Miss. Alanna is already dragged into my world of Gossip Girl. XOXO, yours truly, - Gossip Girl".
I gasped as soon as i finished reading the message. I could not believe that the real Alanna Mali is here! I started squeling like a total fan girl. Chuck looked at me funny, with an eyebrow raised. He said, " do i want to know why you are acting like you just finished a chick flick? Whats got you so hyped up? Who is that girl? ". I replied with, " first off, i only act like that during a scene where two people gwt together in a chick flick. Second of all, how do you not know her? That is ALANNA MALI! The Alanna Mali. Shes a 17 year old model! She is my idol! And i cannot believe that she will be staying in New York!". Chuck just chuckled and said, " what does she look like?" To answer his question, i shoved my phone into his face and showed him the picture of Alanna that gossip girl got. He looked over to me and said, " man, she is pretty hot. ".  Oh hell no. " back off! Shes mine!". We were arguing so much that we didnt pay attention to anything, and i fell into somebody. "Ouch, hey watch out. Pay better attention. " i said. I turned to look at the person i was talking to, and saw that it was  Alanna Mali, wearing her signature outfit.  Oh shit. I just made a fool of myself in front of her. " oh, my appologies. " Alanna said confused. "Omg, i am so sorry Alanna, i didnt know it was you. I am your biggest fan! I follow your fashion advice every day! I'm Blair Waldorf. Sorry, i get chatty when im nervous. " i blurted. "Oh, haha, its all good. Nice to meet you Blair. Glad to see someone that takes my advice. I dont know my way around here, and i dont know exactly who you are, so how about you show me around, and we will get to talk along the way?" Alanna asked, hopefull that Blair woukd take the offer. "Of course! Oh i almost forgot, Alanna, this is my friend Chuck Bass. Chuck Bass, you just met greatness!" Blair eagerly said. "Nice to meet you Chuck. Good thing for you guys, now i have some friends around here. " Alanna laughed/said. "Lovely to meet you too Alanna." Chuck said, as he bent down on his knee and pulled Alanna's hand up to his lips. "Shall we get this adventure going?" He asked. "Absolutley" Alanna relpied, still flustered.

* messgae from author. *
Thank you for reading. Im at a writers block already

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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