"Actually Ben, you aren't with her. She broke up with you" was all I said while walking away.

"She's never give you another chance, so if that's what your planing forget it" Ben called to me but I just gave him a salute as I walking into my bedroom.


Baileys pov-

It was shady of me helping Jace take the other girls bracelet but I'm only trying to get the chances of me taming one of the players better.

I don't plan to take out my friends, or the girl I'm okay with such as raven and Lyndsey but Nicole, Kaylee and Mari need to go. Specially Mari and Nicole.

After first period I walked with Jace till Isaac and Carter's started toward me. I looked over to Jace who seemed to roll his eyes at my reaction.

I don't want carter and Jace to breakout into another fight then get kicked out of school.

"Wes, that black eyes looking good" Jace joked and I elbowed him.

"You know you broke up Ben and Sophie right? Or do you not even care?" Isaac snapped at jace. Sophie and Ben broke up?!

"I mean if they couldn't work or a problem as little as Ben kissing another girl then I did them a favor. The relationship was doomed from the start" Jace tells them.

How could he be so heartless!? Ben and Sophie were fucking perfect together! He treated her like gold, Ben is the perfect boyfriend! How could Jace make Ben; the sweetest guy on this earth, look like a bad guy.

I grabbed Isaac's arm and pulled him and carter away from Jace. I can't believe I was helping that monster, if I need to get the other girls to lose I'll find another way. Jace to cold, to much of a dick..

"Is Sophie okay?" I asked carter who walked along side me

"I don't know, she didn't talk much. Just told me she hated Jace, and her and Ben took a break till she can figure out what she wants" carter told me "I didn't say anything, I just kind of let her cry to me. I gave her a hug then let her go to bed" he tells me. I feel bad for Sophie, she's so nice.

"Is she here today? I wouldn't be" I truthfully tell him, if me and my none existing boyfriend ever broke up I wouldn't go to school the day after.

"Yeah, she's missed a lot of school and since it's her last year she can't really miss to many more" carter said just as we approached Sophie.

She wasn't dressed up for school like she normally was she was in sweats, her hair was actually curly.

"Hey Soph" Carter's voice had changed from normal to a very soft.

"Hi" Sophie's voice has also changed, it's small and fragile.

"How are you?" I asked she puts up a small smile

"Fine, thanks" she replied politely "oh no" she whispered and carter and I turned to see what she was looking at behind us.

Ben approached us.

"Hey Sophie" he also sounded like his body was hollow

"Hi" she quietly said directing her gaze away from him. Ben frowned at her action but moved to stand beside her.

"Can we talk?" I heard him whisper, she looked up at him with annoyance.

"No" she snapped then pushed pass carter "come with me" she whispered and I followed her to the bathroom.

"You okay?" I asked she shrugged

"I love him, you know I love him. It's just I don't think I want to be with him anymore" she tells me.

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