Telling the truth

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optimus : so what do you mean by my carrier

Magnes : ( sigh) ratchet is your carrier 

optimus : ( mouth wide open ) WHAT WHAT DO YOU MEAN RATCHET MY CARRIER ( shock that ratchet hade never told him about this ) why did ratchet not tell me dad 

Magens: ( seting in his cheir and sighed again) He did not what megutron to take you too and destroy you 

Optimus: ( cunfused) what do you mean me too,do i have a sibleing

Magnes: yes you hade a sister and she was megutrons daughter you two were born on the same day that make u twins but with diffrent fathers it happend along time ago when ratchet was ..well doing both of us and you two looked diffrent but when you were born we could not take you two apart ( smileing and started to tear up)

Optimus : so who is my sister and megutrons daughter ( qustioning his father)

Magnes: well you two have fight each other a numbers of times ( optiums looked at him cunfused) your sister is starscream

opiume : ( he could not  bevlive what he hade just heard that starscream was his twin siter and he asksed his father) does she know about ratchet and me

magnes: that i do not know megutron might have or might have told her diffrent but you need to talk to ratchet

optimus : ( flet the ship and head to the lab were ratchet was looking at some old papers) hey ratchet can we talk

Ratchet: ( turned around and put the papers down) yeah prime what up

Optimus: ( sighed ) Magnes told me your my carrier is that ture

Ratchet : ( shocked that magnes told prime but he know it was time to tell) Well yes optimus I am your carrier

Optimus: why did you not tell me about this and about starscream and megutron and my father what is this all comeing up now that were on earth now ratchet please tell me now ( waiting for an answer)

Ratchet : ( sighed) well first I was scared that you would not belive me that im you carrier and starscream is your sister ( looking at the old papers in his hand) megutron was an autobot and a good friend to your father well we were all good friends until they told me that they both loved me when they told me that I was shocked but I did love them back but I could not chossed one so I bonded "sex" with them and a mouth later I found out I wac carriering you and starscream

optimus : so that what happened ( looked at the papers that ratchet hade in his hands ) ratchet what is that in your hand

Ratchet: ( looked at the papers in his hand and hade them to prime) some old papers that the doctors hade printed out when I was carring (smiled a little) I will never forget that day you and starscream were in my arms and holding each others hands (giggled) your father and megutron wanted to hold you two but you two would start to cry when they tried to take you guys apart ( rembering that day the last time he seen both of them together well with out trying to kill each other and ratchet started to cry )

Optimus: (looked at ratchet crying walking over to his carrier and hugged him) was that the last time you seen me and star

ratchet : ( wipeing his eyes) yeah meutron got mad at magnes and you two started to cry and megtron said "one day I will rule and take over this planted with MY daughter" and he walked out and magnes grabed you and walk out with out a word an I never seen you two ever agin until now

optimus : ( stared to cry into his carriers arms and holding him) im sorry for all that mom

Ratchet : ( smiled when prime said mom ) sweetheart its not your fault ok ( wipeing his tears) ok now why don't we go hang out with everyone and later we can cach up

Optimus: ( smiled) ok mom ( hugged ratchet and they waled to the living room to  hang out with everyone elsa)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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