2,the house.

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Temaries POV.

We walked up to the house and it was HUGE. It was the most amazing house I have ever seen. "Naruto it's beautiful" I said. "Not to me"he said." Well of course ,because this is your house you live here". I said . "Well let's go in". He said. So we went in. Inside was amazing, the livingroom was awesome it had a flattscreen tv, a comfy couch and a heater. "Uh... sorry guys but there is only three bedrooms so two of us are going to have to share a bed". He said, snapping me out of my trance. "I'm not". said kankourou. "Neither am I". Said gaara. "Then I guess I'll share with temari...is that okay with you"naruto said. "Yeah" . I said. Me and him blushed. "Hey can I Take a shower"? I asked. "Sure third door on the right" he Said. So I got a pair of clothes took a warm shower.then went to bed. Me and naruto just sat there blushing so much it would put the sun to shame. I got tired of just sitting in silence so I said I liked him before realizing what I just said he pulled me closer to him until we kissed then he pushed me down on the bed then we took of are clothes and we just did it until I told him it hurt we rested a bit he kissed me until he got to were I never let a man go before then he came to my nipples and started sucking on them I told him to stop but he would not. So I pushed him of me. "So,does this mean we're together"? he asked panting. "Yes"!I said. I kissed him but when I did the door opened.

DUN, DUN,DUN it's a cliffhanger so who do you thinks going to open the door find out in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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