Chapter 1:

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Jewels POV:

" Keep up Blue! "

I laughed as I sped ahead of my best friend, Sonic the Hedgehog, enjoying the look of surprise on his face.

Mid step I twirled around on one foot so that I was now running backwards.

" Since when did you learn to do that? " His response was a tease, since it had been him who had taught me.

I winked. " I have a good teacher... "

" Just good? "

" Don't push your luck! "

I turned back around closing my eyes as I let the wind rush through my quills. These were the moments I lived for, the moments I loved. As much as hanging with the gang and villagers was fun, it was these runs with Sonic that helped get bad things off my mind, like how my brother, Shadow the Hedgehog, was being manipulated by Engman to do his bidding or how Engman himself tried to destroy us and our home on a daily basis.

But when I was speeding through the forest with Sonic, bounding up mountains, sliding down slopes and chasing the wind, I felt we were the only two in existence.

I turned my head, but frowned when i saw that Sonic wasn't there. Where had he-

" Surprise! "

Catching me off guard was one thing, but catching me off guard two inches from my face was another thing. Not having enough time to slow to a stop, the first thing that happened was me smacking into Sonics chest, the second thing was the two of us rolling down a slope, entangling arms and legs together and both shouting a mix of "Ow's" and "Ouch" until the ground levelled out and we were left huffing up at the sky.

" You had to do that? " Was the first question that came out of my mouth and he only replied with. " Yes... "

Sitting up was more challenging than I first expected. We were so tangled together I couldn't tell who's limp belonged to which

I looked down at Sonic, chest heaving and eyes closed, but he looked content. Too bad I had to ruin it.

" Are you going to take a nap? " I teased. " Or are you going to help me untangle us? "

He opened one eye, glancing at me before he shut it again, smirking. " Why? You seem to have things under control... "

I rolled my eyes playfully. " Come on lazy spines... " I lightly shoved him. " We can't go back to the village looking like conjoined twins... "

He laughed, making me smile.

" Come on! That'd be hilarious! Can you imagine how many people we'd scare! "

" We'll save that idea for halloween... " I replied. " Now, come on "

It took a few minutes until we were freed from our entanglement, now sitting across from each other. As I looked around, I noticed we had landing in a sort of clearing, totally plain and flat from the trees of the forest.

I could tell the odd field interest Sonic as well, the way his right ear twitched ever so slightly as he took in the area.

" ...If Sticks were here, I bet she'd say an alien spaceship did this... " He commented, standing and brushing dirt off himself.

I smiled. " You never know, Sticks has been right before... " Taking his outstretched hand I let him help me up. Once standing, we both had a perfect view of the village down below.

" Whoa... " It was whispered in unison. The sun was just starting to take its highest peak and cast the whole area in a bright light. It was warm, welcoming.

" Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and Eggman won't try and attack today... " I could tell by his tone that Sonic sounded bored, and I couldn't blame him. Fighting Eggman had become a routine for all of us that there were no surprises to it anymore. Nothing exciting happened, just the same old same old every day.

I shook my head. " I doubt that...but I think the others would be able to handle it while we make our way back... "

" ...What if we don't go back? "

I froze, turning to look at him. " What? "

He shrugged, tugging at the brown scarf around his neck. " ...I mean, you said it yourself, the others can handle Egghead pretty well...they could get things under control if we were off...just for a bit... "

I felt my face heat up. " ...Just us? Us...two? "

He nodded, keeping his gaze on the village below. " Yea...I-I mean...if you wanted...I'd be up for it... " he sighed.

I stared down at his white gloved hand, wanting s desperately to grab it, squeeze and say yes, but I knew better, for both those things. Sonic and I were heroes, we helped defend the village. The others were amazing fighters but when things got difficult it was Sonic and I who delivered the final punch. The village needed us...

As for the other thing...taking his hand...Sonic and I had always been close, heck, he was my best friend...but lately I couldn't keep back these...these feelings that were growing inside me. I once never blushed when Sonic and I ended up in uncomfortably close situations, like the time Eggman had us trapped in a cage together, a cage that could barely fit one of us, never mind both of us. Now, if Sonic even playfully winked at me, a common trait of his, my heart hammered loudly in my chest and my face felt like a erupting volcano, and it was getting more and more difficult to hide from him.

" Well... " His voice cut through my thoughts. " A hedgehog can dream can't he? " turning around he cast a final look at the amazing view of the village, shrugging. " Come on! Race ya back to the village! "

Smiling, I sped after him, but my mind was too busy juggling my thoughts and what Sonic had said earlier to make my feet move fast enough to even try and keep up with him....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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