Chapter 1: "Rich Girl"

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I smacked my lips. My makeup was almost perfect on my olive face. That was the only expensive thing I wore, even with all the money I had. I didn't like the fancy clothing. It made me stand out, and I didn't like standing out. I already stood out because I was from a foreign country and had an accent.

I was wearing an old hoodie that was torn in different places, and jeans that were so close to wearing out at the knees. My shoes were nearly falling apart. I didn't care. I felt better that way.

I slid down the railing of the stairs and leaped off, catching the air. I snatched my swim bag, binder, and breakfast, heading out the door.

"Jazlyn! What have I told you about wearing those absurd clothes! You have the money for an entire closet of designer wear, and you choose to wear that-that peasant clothing!" my father yelled.

"I'm sorry if I don't want to be a rich girl Dad. I want to be normal! Give me a break and let me live my own life, without you bossing me around!" I snapped.

He turned away and cursed under his breath. I knew he wanted me to be well dressed, but I preferred the lazy look that didn't make me look like some stuck-up snob that is stereotyped as a total twit. I didn't want to be a stereotypical "rich girl". I wanted to be Jazlyn. And that's all.

I walked out to my car, which I wasn't allowed to drive yet. My chauffeur, Ray, was my close friend. He drove me everywhere and I told him everything, since my butler scared me.

"Good morning, Jazlyn! How are you?" he asked, driving off to school.

"Good... Dad yelled at me again..." I told him.

"Don't get on his bad side, Jazlyn. Try to connect more with him. He does love you... You've just got to give him a chance..."

"If he'd give me a chance!! He doesn't have any respect towards me! Ugh!"

Until we reached the school, we sat in silence. Not even a sound was exchanged, except our gentle breathing. I hopped out and immediately headed for the Theatre room. I realised I still hadn't eaten my waffle, which I had picked up on the way out. I shoved it into my mouth and sat down in a spare seat. I swung my feet onto the table and leaned back in the chair. Suddenly, Cindy and Beilley entered the room.

"Good morning, Jazlyn!" Cindy said, smiling.

"Morning. My dad got mad at me for wearing the 'crappy' hoodie again..." I complained.

"You are rich, Jazlyn. Why don't you dress better?" Beilley questioned.

"Haven't we discussed this, Beilley? I don't do being a rich girl. I don't like designer crap," I snapped.

"Sorry. I forget," she apologised.

Before they could even get a whiff of the Theatre atmosphere, the bell rang and they had to hurry off to class.

Yay for first period Theatre. I mentally punched the air. Woo! Please note my sarcasm... Theatre, in the morning, is practically a curse.

AUTHORS NOTE: hey y'all :) another update!!! I gotz to get studying, although I really want to put at least one chapter up per character... maybe I'll post another one tonight and a few more after the test ;D what do you think of Jazlyn? this isn't my favourite character, but what do you guys think??

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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