♡▐ ⋮ when you're sick

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note: hey i'm running a fever and feel super super sick so here's this


— henry:

→ henry is surprisingly gentle with you

→ henry may be a big bad bully but if you sneeze one too many times, he'll fuss about it, telling you to stay in bed

→ he loves you (even though he might not say it out loud)

→ so, he does everything he can nurture you back to health

→ secretly asks eddie how to take care of you and what he needs

→ threatens to beat him up if he tells anyone

→ tries to make you soup...it tastes kind of bad but it's not inedible

→ holds your hair back if you throw up and rubs your back

→ asks you how you're feeling 24/7

→ honestly won't sleep until you fall asleep

→ this is the time when you see his soft side, which is a rare sight

— patrick:

runs you a hot bath

→ helps you out of your clothes and into the bath

→ washes your hair while massaging your scalp

→ then proceeds to wrap you up in a fluffy towel

→ honestly when you're sick patrick shows his soft side

→ don't tease him about it, you'll regret it

→ doesn't get grossed out if you throw up

→ will cuddle you and watch movies with you all day

→ you two take long naps, he doesn't care if he gets sick

→ forces you to take your medicine so you can heal faster

→ tries to get you "in the mood" a few times

→ pouts when you fall asleep as he kisses your neck in an attempt to seduce you

→ but you make it up to him once you're fully healed ;)

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