Why is it that no matter what I try to do it still is wrong?

I gave up all the money that I make in a two weeks time so my family can have a place to live in but we got kicked out agina and we only lives here for 5 years. It seems like evey year we get kicked out of the house that we are renting and I feel like it's all my fault. And I have no idea how I am to blame when I do everything I can to help. An in the end it still happens.

Then when we are in temporary housing and the place gets a mass it's all my fault.  Like WHAT THE FUCKING HELL HOW IS THIS MY FAULT? It's not like I'm home for most of the day or have more then just the weekend off or just half of the weekend. And to top it off  when I get home I have to clean up after the 19 and 20 year old who are home more then me. Or the times when I get home so late and it's like WTF why is there clothes all over the bed and not put up in the trucks. My sister and her boyfriend's answer we don't know where they go or whose they are we don't know which trunks is who. You can't just open the damn trunk and say oh these are Rachel clothes and these are mom and dad and so on. Nope not at all.
Then this is all my fault. How will someone tell me how?

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