
The class went by fast, which I will be forever grateful for. The class was excited to leave so it was faster for the classroom to empty and faster for me to leave in peace.

The halls were filled with chatter that I could barely even hear my own thoughts as I grabbed all my stuff from my locker. There were friends acting like they haven't seen eachother in years. Couples sucking their faces off and teachers practically ignoring them as they walk by.

This school was disgusting.

Quickly making my way out of school, I take in the breath of fresh air I so desperately needed. I could actually breathe pure air and not plastic waste that were the students and teachers of this school.

"Hey Ramsey!" I hear someone yell.

I look back to see Gabe racing over to me. I roll my eyes in irritation as I just continue walking forward.

"You're so mean." I could already see his pout without looking as he steps beside me.

"I wanted to walk alone." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

"Too bad." He teased as he pranced beside me.

A couple minutes go by and he still continued to try and have small talk with me. I ignore all his questions as I just kept walking and walking.

"You really need to learn how to open up." He says as he gently nudges my shoulder.

"No thanks." I muttered.

"And she speaks!" He teases while throwing his hands in the air for enthusiasm purposes.

I groan as I sped up trying to ditch him.

"Hey look who it is!" We hear a very familiar voice shout.

A car suddenly slows down beside us as it continues to follow us walk down the street. We look over to see Kenneth, with his window down, already staring at us. I groan loudly as I began to slightly stomp my foot in annoyance.

This day can't get any worse.

"Want a ride?" He winked which made me gag and Gabe holds back a laugh as he bumps his shoulder on mine.

"I'd rather die." I muttered, turning the corner to my street.

"You really need to learn how to talk louder." He says, still following us with his car.

And you really need to stop being a fucking creep.

"Just ignore him." Gabe says as we approach both our houses.

"Hey, atleast I know where you live now." I can already see the smirk on his face.

How fucking great.

"Dude, just leave her alone." Gabe now stopped in his tracks and for some reason.. I did too.

"And what if I don't?" Kenneth asks, now putting his car on park.

"What will you do?" He asks now stepping out of his car.

"I'm gonna report you for harassment." Gabe says.

"That's it?" Kenneth laughs, clearly unaffected.

"Oh, and I could bash your fucking face against a wall." Gabe now said which causes me to look up at him.

He was clenching his jaw and balling his fists in his pockets. All while giving Kenneth one of the scariest glares I've ever seen.

"Oh really?" Kenneth glares back before walking around his car to be face to face with Gabe.

Undefined | Ken San Jose, Sean Lew, Gabe De GuzmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora