I reached my hand around the side of couch where I had stashed a Nerf gun. Before he knew it I had shot him in the center of his chest.

“Bulls eye!” I yell.

However, he points a gun at me and shoots at me. I open up the closet door behind me and toss him a Nerf vest. I learned how to put the vest on in less than a second. I jump up the stairs and up into the attic. My hiding spot was a small door in the wall that could hold around ten people. I had found three keys that work on this door. They are all similar in style. At the top of the key is a skull and the other end is a really weird pattern in which I have never seen. I had it on a necklace and had it everywhere I went. I put my hand over my mouth and nose so that no one could hear my breathing. The attic door slowly creaked open. I heard shuffling noises across the ground. It sounded like a lone zombie lurching around. The shuffling stopped right in front of my secret door. I heard a thump on the ground as if a body fell to the ground. After a few minutes of silence I started freaking out.

“Jack? Jack is that you?”

I pushed the door open a crack. I saw what looked like a bloody hand.

“Jack this isn’t funny!”

I ran out of the attic as fast as I could down the attic stairs. On the middle step I tripped. I saw someone at the bottom, which was not Jack. I closed my eyes and they caught me. I ended up landing on top of them. I opened my eyes to find Rose staring into my eyes. Rose is my crush.

“Are you okay?” She exclaimed as she pulled me to my feet.

“Yeah, no… um…” before I could finish my sentence, Jack jumped down the stairs.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” I didn’t mean to scare you that much!”

“I’m fine, Rose caught me.”

I could feel my face burning up as my face started turning a bright red. I waited until my face was not as hot to turn around to face Rose.

“Thanks for catching me.”

“No problem.” We stood there awkwardly staring at each other.

“So,” I said trying to think of something to say,” What are you doing here?”

“Oh, well since it’s Valentines Day I was hoping that you would be my valentine.”

My head started spinning. Did she really ask that?


I was hoping she would ask that. I have been waiting quiet a while for her to ask. I would have asked but I was always nervous around her to ask. Then I remembered something.

“I’ll be right back.”

I slowly walked up the stairs, dazed and happy about what Rose asked. There was a secret room in my room and it uses the same key as the secret door in the attic. The inside of the room is a dark purple with fuzzy carpet. There is a desk, bed, a couch, and a TV. On the bed was a box with Pierce the Veil wrapping paper. Inside the box is a chocolate rose, a silver chain with the same key as mine, and band merch. I carried it all downstairs and handed her the box. She gasped and set the box down on the table.

“Happy Valentines day.” I smiled.

I walked back to Jack. He looked upset and somewhat jealous. I couldn’t help but laugh. I pulled a pair of drumsticks out and handed them to him along with the necklace with the same key.

“Thanks Cassie.” He smiled.

I looked back at Rose who had just finished carefully taking the wrapping paper off. She screamed when she saw the band merch, she awed when she saw the chocolate rose, and she gasped when she saw the skeleton key.

“This key is beautiful.”

“Yeah, I have a matching key along with Jack. I’ll show you the rooms they unlock.”

I showed them all the rooms they unlocked. There was a secret room/door in every room except the basement. I am too scared to go down and see if there is one.

“We should probably get going to school.” I finally say.

Both Jack and Rose brought their skateboards. We skated down the middle of the street. Jack thought he was so cool that he did a front flip on his skateboard and landed it.

“Top that.” He said to Rose.

Lex looked at me with a smirk.

“I can’t, but Cassie can.”

Ugh, of course I have to try and top it, I thought. I got ready for the perfect moment where I did I black flip. I landed it and gave Jack a cocky smile.

“Shut up.” he said crossing his arms.

We skated three more blocks until Rose told me to stop. I checked my phone and saw that it was 7:32, so we had twenty-eight minutes still until school started.

“I need to talk to you.” She said.

I nodded and followed her. Jack then followed me.

“Um, can I please talk to Cassie alone?”

“Jack, head to school. We’ll meet you in gym.”

He had a hurt look in his eyes. He got on his skateboard and skated away.

“You need to close your eyes.”

I close my eyes and she pulls me along. We walk for what feels like an hour and she stops me.

“Okay. You can look.”

I open my eyes to see a beautiful black forest. It is magnificent.

“It… it’s beautiful.”

“I know, I have to show you one more thing.”

I follow her until we get to a small patch of green grass. The light shines through the canopy. I lay down in the grass. I close my eyes and feel her lie down next to me. Next thing I know I feel her lips press against mine. I open my eyes to find her kissing me. It was not a friend kiss, it was a love kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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