Road Trip

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Hello! Wanna give a big shout out to @Marydancer33!

Chapter Two

"Honey, wouldn't you feel more comfortable sitting in the passenger seat?" My mother asked as she put her legs over my lap.

"I'm fine. Really, I don't mind sitting here." I responded warmly.

I'm not happy that I have to go to this reunion, but I have to deal with it. Gotta make light of a ugly situation. That's the one thing my family can honestly say they taught me. Looking at my hands I can see my slim fingers and my long nails. Maybe this year I won't be made fun of because of my looks. They probably look just as bad or at least I look a little better.

My family isn't really a problem, but my mom and grandma always try to play cupid. My cousins usually sneak out all night to go party and whatnot. As for me I stay at the house and help the adults with things that have to be done. I guess in all of the chaos, I forget that they are family. They have my back through thick and thin.

"Mom, do you think this time will be different?" I sighed.

"Hmm? What do you mean, sweetheart?" She mumbled, half asleep.

"The rest of the they know about great grandma's hospital visit?" I asked, my voice quickly hushed by the honking coming from behind us.

"Yes, they know everything."

She wasn't happy about the situation, that I could tell, but she never wanted to let it on. She always puts up this barrier and gives a tough guy act when really she's terrified. She's lost and has no idea what to do. Leaning back in my seat, pressing my forehead to the cold glass. My mind racing from question-to-question losing more and more answers with every new question that rises.

This is gonna be a long month.

Slipping into my thoughts, I settled on one particular question: Why now? Out of all the times we could have come to visit her why out of nowhere are we just packing and running to their side? My parents aren't like that. They won't just stop their lives for something like this. Not for someone we haven't seen in years. Maybe something is weighing on their mind?

Or maybe they want to say good-bye one last time. A voice interjected.

But why not later? Or over the summer? Why drag me?

One word: Family.

Family. The word almost burns my thoughts away. She is family, but something in the pit of my stomach tells me there is more then I'm being lead to believe. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. Guess the only way to know is to just sit and wait. Anticipation pulling at my skin as I just watch cars fly by.

Just relax its probably nothing, I thought to myself. My nerves are just trying to get the best of me. Not this time.


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