Chapter 13

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I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, Chandler sitting next to me.

"Okay, so what's the deal with the package?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah." Felix said and grabbed a package that was about a foot wide. "Okay, about three hours ago, Chandler and I were just watching tv when we heard the doorbell ring. We went outside and saw the package with this envelope stuck to it but nobody was around."

"Yeah, and Felix, being the lazy-ass he is, made me carry it in." Chandler said, sarcastically.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. This is serious. She's in serious trouble." Felix said.

Anthony perked up and asked, "How do you know that?" He sounded so serious. I wonder...

"I'll read you the letter. It reads:

'Poor Cece. She's had such a rough time. And Anthony, yelling at my partner? Hahaha. How wonderful that was for most of us. Let Anthony open it. Only Anthony is aloud to touch it.' -Anonymous"

We all looked at the package. I wonder what's in there.


I grabbed the pocket knife out of my back pocket. I heard Joy gasp but I just shook it to the side. I cut the box open and opened it. There were a lot of packaging peanuts in there. I started digging around and i felt something at the bottom. I pulled it out to see a laptop. I opened it and turned it on. A video popped up. It was a Cece.

"They're going to take me to the square. I'm scared. Please hurry." she said and the video stopped.

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I drove away.

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