My Form Will Litter This Floor

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- Ghirahim's Pov-

"Zant?" I tried getting his attention as he walked away.

I put back on my gloves and cape. Where was he going? Not like I care. Do I? I have grown to hate working for my old Master. He is much more abusive then Ganondorf is. I walk down the hall, maybe Ganondorf knows where Zant is going. I bow as I enter, standing. "Master, Zant has taken his leave. Also, I have returned." I spoke, thinking of a million questions.

"I see that, as for Zant I would go and check on him." Ganondorf stared down at me.

"I will do that, I had a question though, Master." I asked.

"Ask away, I have time." He replied.

"Why do you favorite Zant so greatly? Why do you treat me so coldly?" I asked this in a non-offending way.

"Zant need to be treated how he does because he could destroy us in a split second and that needs to be avoided. I have a tendency to treat what I care about with distaste. Also, don't forget the fact you are not originally mine. Your old Master is still alive, you would turn on us for him as soon as his voice commands it." He gave a quite long explanation, I figured he would just have said to drop the subject.

He spoke up again, "I would go get Zant now, he is going to get himself killed."

I realized what he meant, Zant was going to try and face Demise. Why is he such a buffoon? If he gets himself hurt I am killing him. Why do I so much as bat an eye at the "King of Twilight?"

-Zant's Pov-

Demise turned to face me, "What do you want?" He glared.

I noticed I was speaking in Twilian. I couldn't stop, when angered I can't help, but speak my native tongue. I readied my twin scimitars. A voice shouted at me. "Zant, stop!" The voice so familiar, but I couldn't place it. It rang over the voices, I paused turning my head that way. I was too enraged to notice who it was. I turned back to Demise, my two servants at my sides. They let out screams as they turn to Shadow Beasts. They rush forward at my command, Demise kills them with ease. I have more, so it doesn't matter. I changed the scene to be in the Palace of Twilight. I feel at home here, full of strength. The voice spoke again, "Zant! I said stop this nonsense!"

"Either this abusive beast will fall, or this floor shall be littered with what remains of my form after this! I will protect what belongs to me until my final breath in this forsaken realm of nothing!" I responded in anger.

I swung wildly at the man-beast before me, not letting up till I could barely move my arms. A thought occurred to me. Why was he not fighting back? I began to use my magic, finding it less exhausting. This wasn't helping any at all. The voices were telling me to kill him now. I gave in, a ball of magic in my hands. The strongest attack I have, I was ready to hit Demise with it. My body froze as the power built in my hands. Demise was wielding a black sword.

I would recognize it anywhere, Ghirahim. My heart dropped to the ground again, this time putting a crater in the dirt. On instinct I split apart the ball, magic going left and right. The magic that was left engulfing my body. Walls crumbling, I looked up, so glad my helmet hid my expression. Not just the magic and exhaustion hurt, I hit the ground, ceiling rubble falling on top of me. I couldn't move, I felt so small, so weak, so.. worthless.

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