Heal all the pain

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" It's good to be back here " her mom said as we enter my house .

" Yeah , because its almost a year after you came back here " Jisoo said as she rolled her eyes .

" Mom , are you hungry ? , Do you want me to make you some food ? " Jisoo asked

" Woahh , now you can cook ? " her mom said in a sarcastic way .

" Hey , I learned it from the internet " defending herself

" Take it easy , Im just joking " her mom said as the two broke into laughter .

Jisoo POV

I go to the kitchen to make a soup for my mom , Her favorite foods almost are soups . While I was cooking my mom suddenly interrupt me from my cooking by opening up a conversation  .

" Hey , how are you holding up ? " My mom said while watching me .

" Nah , Im fine " I said , then I suddenly feel a pain in my heart . Im lying to my mom  . Im not okay . Im still hurt .

" Honey , be honest I can still see the pain in your eyes . Im your mother right ? Mother knows best for her child . You can always tell me your problems . Are you okay ? " My mom said with a woried tone .

I stop what I was doing . There are so many thoughts that comes in my mind . If I say it to my mom she will totally get worried but she is the only person that will always be there for me . Actually she's here now with me I am not alone again suffering from my past . I do have some friends that came here to comfort me while I was in the middle of pain but they cannot always be there for you . You know they have their own lives too but anyway thanks to them .

I turn to face her . I gaze in her eyes that full of worries and I can't stop myself from hugging her and cry .

She hug me tight and pat my back .

" Im here now honey , don't worry I will not leave again by your side " my mom said .

I pull away from her . Then start telling the story . My mom knows what happen between me and Youngjae and she is super mad at him for making me cry .

" Mom , Youngjae is getting married and he gave me an invitation of his wedding " I blurt out .

She look to me with a what the fuck face .

" How dare him . Why would he invite you in his wedding , for what ?  to make you feel more pain . No honey you are not going to his wedding . " My mom said agrily .

" No mom , I need to . Because if i didn't he will think that I am still inlove him and can't move on . I think I can endure the pain seeing him happy with someone . That's why I think I need to come because they will think that I've moved on " I shakily said .

" But do you still love him ? " my mom said . It hurts . I do because he is the only man that makes me feel this way .

" Honey , I know that going there will hurt you and it will be the most stupid thing that you will done in your life . You know what I mean " my mom shrugged but said it in a calm tone .

" Yes mom I know and I can't forget him easily and It hurts me . I need to come to satisfy myself " I said while looking down on my feet

My mom just sighed .

" Now Im hungry " she said while small chuckle escaped her mouth .

I look up , smile and giggled and return to where I stop from cooking .

" It's almost done " I said while giggling .

After I finished the food my mother settled the table for the two of us . And we eat and we have some chitchat blah blah . This is the most happiest day of my life even there's the painful past atleast Im not alone to face it , my mom is here and I am waiting for someone who will change my life , Heal all the pain in my past and will be my future .

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