'All shall Play'

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'All shall play the Game of Thrones'

'A Song of Ice and Fire' Poetry Tribute

It was written on dead men's bones,

And in the screeching of ancient crones:

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

In the North the direwolf rests,

Waiting for its final test.

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

To the West the Lion plots,

Thinking to consume the lot.

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

In the East the Dragon dwelled,

Craving for the Throne it held.

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

In the South the Sun protects its mark,

Waiting for the coming dark.

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

Winter is coming,

The White walkers are rushing.

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

Peace has died and War will rise,

The Stranger watches with ancient eyes.

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

It was written on dead men's bones,

And in the screeching of ancient crones:

All shall play the Game of Thrones.

It is destined that only one will rise,

You will win.

Or you will die.

A wee little ditty (where did that come from!?!) I wrote as a tribute to the spectacular 'SoIaF' series of books by George R. Martin. I am rather proud of it, personally!


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