"He's my ex, and the only boyfriend I've ever had," Nova began.

Julian frowned softly at knowing the guy was his ex boyfriend, and he was a little bit afraid to know why Nova was so scared of him.

"We dated for about two years and they were the worst years of my life. I regret every amount of time I spent with him," Nova said trying to focus on Julian's fingers to keep himself calm.

Julian noticed him getting a little tense and leaned down pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek causing an immediate smile to appear on Nova's face.

"From the way he seemed to be, I would regret my time with him too."

"Do you ever wonder why I have such bad anxiety problems?," Nova said randomly, looking up to Julian who was already watching him.

Julian shrugged his shoulders lightly, tilting his head a bit. "I just figured that you inherited them from a parent or something like that."

"Well you can thank Jack for the reason I'm so fucked up," Nova said looking down again. He waited for Julian to speak but he didn't, and Nova got worried when seconds turned into minutes, until Nova felt a finger underneath his chin.

Julian lifted his face to look at him and he had a serious look on his face. "Nova, you are not fucked up." "There is nothing wrong with you, no matter what Jack said to you then and there, none of it is true. You are beautiful, funny, kind, and one of the most amazing guys I've ever met."

Nova listened intently biting on his bottom lip.

"I should've punched Jack when I had the chance. Knowing now that he abused you honestly makes me sick to my stomach," Julian said shaking his head. He hugged Nova tightly to his chest pressing his cheek to the top of his head, "god I should've just beat him." "You more than anyone never deserve that Nova."

Nova couldn't help but tear up and hugged Julian back just as tightly burying his face into his neck, taking a few shaky breaths.

Julian couldn't help his next words, they just came out of him, but he didn't regret them.

"I love you Nova."

Nova gasped softly against Julian's neck and pulled back looking up with him wide eyes. "W-What did you say?," he asked in disbelief.

Julian bit on his lower lip then let it go, getting a soft smile on his lips. "I love you," he repeated.

Nova just sat there shocked, not really knowing how to react. A million thoughts ran through his head in that moment. The main one being.

Julian really loved him?

"It's okay," Julian reassured him. "You don't have to say it back, or even feel it right now. I don't want ever want to rush you with your feelings." "I don't ever want to make you feel uncomfortable like he did," Julian started to ramble on and on.

Nova watched him as he did slowly getting a big goofy smile on his face, starting to feel incredibly happy.

Surprising even himself, Nova cut off Julian by leaning up and pressing his lips passionately against his.

Julian's breath hitched and he immediately kissed Nova back, resting his hands on the smaller boys waist.

Nova rested his hand on Julian's cheek before slowly pulling back and watched as Julian opened his eyes. Nova smiled at the sight of Julian's blue eyes that were now lit up as he looked at him.

"It'll take me a while," Nova said biting on his bottom lip. "I've never thought anyone would want me again after, after Jack," he said letting out a sigh. "I want to love you though, and I want to be in love with you," Nova said smiling shyly. "I notice so many small things and big things about you and I love every bit of them."

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