Late - Sweet Pea

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A/N: We don't know much about Sweet Pea yet so this won't be accurate to his character. Enjoy!

Y/N was a fairly new serpent, her dad was a serpent and she always wanted to follow in his footsteps but her mom objected. So Y/N moved in with Sweet Pea into his apartment. Y/N wasn't sure how Sweet Pea got the apartment she just knew it was nice. It had an open Dining/Living room, a big enough bathroom and a large bedroom.

Y/N and Sweet Pea took turns on the couch and the bed. It mainly depended on who got home first but neither really cared much. Y/N was actually happy the days Sweet Pea got home first, it meant he hadn't gotten into a fight or done anything bad. It was pretty rare for him to be gone early. Like today, he was 5 hours late.


Y/N fell asleep on the couch way past midnight waiting for Sweet Pea to get home. Sweet Pea snuck in at around 3am, he saw Y/N on the couch and carried her to her bed "Goodnight Baby" he whispered softly and kissed her forehead.

When Y/N woke up and found out she was no longer on the couch she was confused until Sweet Pea suddenly appeared with some pancakes, "Morning baby" He gave you the pancakes but you didn't take any notice of them, "what happened last night?" You asked, noticing the scratches and bruises all over Sweet Pea's face, "it was nothing, just some Northsiders."

You set the pancakes to the side and walked over to the closet where you had your first aid kit, "sit on the bed" you motioned to Sweet Pea, who followed your instructions, "how did it start?" You asked kneeling in front of him and started treating his wounds. "Y'know that kid that pulled a gun on us? Well I gave him a visit and well stuff happened but we won" you rolled your eyes, "Look, Sweets, I get that he was marking our territory and pulled a gun on you but it should've ended at that, there's no need to bring everyone into this it's one Northsider not all of them." "I'm not just letting some Northsider think I'm weak, I beat him up to show him not to mess with us" you got off of his lap, "I'm just saying be careful, one day you won't win, something bad could happen to you" Sweet Pea shamefully looked down, "I'll be careful, from now on" "thank you" you walked over to him and sat back on his lap whilst hugging him.

"I love you" Sweet Pea blurted, you pulled away from the hug and looked him in the eyes, smiling, "I love you too" with that you leant in and kissed him, it was full of passion and you felt so safe in that moment, you didn't want to let go.

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