Chapter 1: Umbrella

Start from the beginning

Claire explains, "That last shot should've knocked her out for at least another two hours. We can't afford to give her anymore without risking the chance of cardiac arrest."

"Which can be fatal for her in her weakened state." Dr. Melendez concludes. Claire asks, "So what should we do?"

I suggest, "We could try to calm her down."

The girl screams and shakes the bed with her tantrum. Causing all of us to take a step back.

"Or we can wait till she falls asleep." Claire adds.

Dr. Melendez turns to me and says, "I'm making you stay here and watch her like a hawk. Page me the second she falls asleep. I'll take on the examination from there." 

The girl snarls and snaps at Claire and I. Claire's eyes widen and she whispers to me, "If you really need help, call me and I'll bring Jared to assist." She smiles and pats my shoulder, "Good luck."

I respond, "Luck does not exist. I still have a 50% chance of getting rabies." She laughs and asks, "Was that a joke?"

I shrug, "Maybe?"

Dr. Melendez, Claire, and the social worker left the room quickly as the girl roared at them. I sit down next to her and she immediatley tries to bite me. I sit still and stare at her. Grabbing the washcloth and bowl of warm water, I slowly clean the dirt. Usually the nurses would do this, but I don't think they would come in. She snarls and growls but I continue dabbing the cloth into the water and softly wiping her pale skin. I started at her feet, which were luckily tied to the railings of the bed. She squirmed but quickly calmed down at the soothing motion. 

As I continued, I spoke softly to her, "You are very filthy. It is very likely your wounds are infected. They must hurt." She lets out a low whine. I finish her legs and feet. I observe her arms and carefully clean around the scratches, so she won't yelp. She snaps at my hand when I accidentally wipe over one of the stitched wounds. Luckily I withdrew my hand in time. 

"That wasn't nice." I state. She growls. I finish wiping around her raw hands and grab a new cloth. "I'm going to clean your face now." I say, before slowly wiping a cheek. By now she looked very calm and let me brush her forehead. She makes small sounds and her eyelids droop. I grab a pair of scissors next to me and her eyes fly open once more. She screams and I put the scissors away. I hold up my hands, showing there is nothing in them. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. You are safe." I say. She squirms against the restraints again and bares her teeth. Jared opens the door and I walk outside. 

"You made good progress there Shaun." he comments. I ask, "How long were you watching?" He shrugs and says, "Well I saw her calm down around you. Which is a different response for once."

I ask, "What does that mean?"

Jared shrugs and hands me a file, I open it and quickly scan the information. He responds, "Nothing, just I'm glad you're okay. You need help?" I shake my head no. He purses his lips and nods, "Yeah well okay, just be careful. Dr. Melendez won't be pleased if he finds out you lost an arm."

I ask incredulously, "Why would I lose an arm?" He opens his mouth, closes it, then finally says, "Oh well, um, never mind. Be careful. Call us if you need anything."

I reply, "Okay. Thank you for your concern." He leaves and goes back up the elevator. I go back inside the room and the girl snaps her focus towards me. "Hello. I never introduced myself. My name is Dr. Shaun Murphy, I am a resident at St. Bonaventure Hospital."

She doesn't move and her facial expression doesn't change.

I add, "I know your name already. You are Amelia Warren. Age 7. Caucasian female. Height 3 ft and 4in. Weight 41 pounds." I pick up the scissors again and she growls, then tugs at the restraints. I explain, "I am going to cut your hair. I will not hurt you if you don't move."

I sit down next to her and show her the scissors. She watches them warily and continues squirming. I look at her hands writhing in the restraints. I untie the restraints of her hands and her left foot. But I leave the right foot tied so she can't try to run. She scoots away from me on the bed and frantically waves her arms to ward off the scissors. 

"You are scared. That is normal. I don't like haircuts either. Can I cut your hair?" I ask.

She shakes her head no. I hold the scissors up to her, "Do you want to cut it yourself?"

She shakes her head no.

"I need to cut your hair so I can check for head injuries. You are too unstable to go into an MRI. I'm sorry, I must cut your hair." I explain, "It will not hurt."

"I promise." I state. She doesn't move this time so I moved in to cut her hair. I gently hold a lock of hair up and slowly snip the tangled clumps. She flinches at each snip and tries to back away, causing me to accidentally tug her hair. She screeches and savagely bites my hand. I drop the scissors on the floor and speed walk out of the room. I carefully lock it shut and run almost immediately into Dr. Melendez. He sees my bleeding hand and his eyes widen. 

"You need help taking care of that Murphy?" He asks in concern. I shake my head and reply, "It hurts. But I'm a doctor. I can take care of it myself."

"Well if you need extra help grab a nurse or one of your colleagues." He continues on his way and  turns a corner down another hallway.

I stand there in the corridor. Still a little stunned from how Amelia Warren; age 7, caucasian female, height 3 ft and 4in, weight 41 pounds; was able to snap at my hand so quickly without me even able to react. After several futile tries to tend the bite wound on my own, I follow Dr. Melendez's advice and grab a nurse.

And the nurse definitely does not own an umbrella, because her clothes are still slightly damp, which causes it to smell like rain, which reminds me of old wet cigars.


A/N: Comments and suggestions are always appreciated! If you thought the writing quality in this chapter was weird, read it again with Shaun's voice speaking in your head. I thought it would be a good idea to capture a story from his point of view. Thank you!~

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